Sunday, June 30, 2019

Islamic Supremacy Is A Death Cult

Islamists deny others the right to freely exist,

they seek surrender to their sharia and bloodied fist,

believing their religion usurped and discredits what others believe,

And that it gives them free reign to murder, enslave and thieve,

Anything built on supremacy is nothing but a lie,

no one has divine license to choose who will live or die.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Ethnic Cleansing - Israel, Palestinians And The Jews Of The Middle East And North Africa

      Israel gets routinely accused of ethnically cleansing Palestinian Arabs. Many Palestinian Arabs, including Palestinian Arab Islamist organizations like Hamas and Islamic Jihad, routinely call for the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Jews. If Israel did to Arabs what Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and many others openly proclaim they want to do against Jews - slaughter and drive out all the Jews- there would be no Arabs living between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean sea.
       Israel is an imperfect state. It faces the genocidal ambitions of millions of Jew hating Islamists the world over, backed by fanatical Jew haters on the right and left living in the west. No nation faced with the constant threat of destruction and genocide would be anything greater than what Israel already is. But this does not free Israel of the obligation to seek peace, protect all civilian populations as best as possible, and to continue to provide religious freedom for all.
      The majority population of Israel consists of Jews and their descendants that were ethnically cleansed and driven out from Arab Muslim majority and from other Muslim majority lands. It is disingenuous to speak about Palestinian Arab ethnic cleansing by Israel and ignore the mass ethnic cleansing committed against Jews by Arab Muslims, including by Arab Muslims now called Palestinian.
      Jews were ethnically cleansed from Yemen, Egypt, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Algeria, and more. These Jews and their descendants know that they have no right of return. They cannot go back to such places as Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Algeria, and so forth. Now that they they were ethnically cleansed and forced to flee to Israel, the only country that accepted them - they are told that they must be ethnically cleansed again to make room for Palestinian Arabs.

Why Coptic Christians Are In Greater Danger Than Egyptian Jews

     Egypt is one of a number of Muslim majority nations that ethnically cleansed themselves of their Jewish populations. Most of the Egyptian Jews and their descendants now live in Israel. Even though there is a formal peace agreement between Egypt and Israel, cancerous hatred for Jews continues in Egypt and in much of the Islamic world.
      The minority population of Coptic Christians living in Egypt are in great danger from Islamists. Islamists have not hesitated to murder Coptic Christians in their places of prayer and elsewhere. Islamists have no reservations about murdering civilians.
        Long before Islam came to Egypt, there were Coptic Christians, Jews and other religions. The Jews were driven out after Israel became a state. This was yet another ethnic cleansing of Jews from Muslim majority lands that is completely ignored. Now that these Jews and their descendants are out of Egypt and in the state of Israel, the desire and effort to murder them has not lessened.
       Coptic Christians want to live in peace and safety in their country of Egypt. Egyptian Jews no longer live in Egypt after being driven out. The sad truth is that far too often religious minorities living in Muslim majority lands are in great danger. Egypt must do everything it can to protect this ancient religious minority.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Army Of People Needed To Save The World From Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution and other non biodegradable waste are destroying oceans, coasts, wildlife, and much more. People are harmed by plastic pollution. It is a major problem that is not  properly addressed.

Until now, the main focus of efforts to remove plastic trash from coastlines and other areas is to rely on volunteers or technology. No technology has been proven effective in removing plastic from oceans or coastlines. Relying on volunteers or technology falls far short of what is achieved by employing people to remove plastic and other harmful trash, especially in developing countries. 

No serious problem or need can be properly addressed by relying on volunteers. Education and health care are important. Therefore, people are employed to do jobs in healthcare and education, supplemented at times by volunteers. Plastic pollution is a major problem that is not going away. Serious problems cannot be addressed on the cheap. Hiring people in need of work to clean coasts and other areas from plastic pollution is the most effective intervention. It helps the people employed and their families, and it helps the environment. 

Developing countries are the source of most of the plastic pollution entering into the oceans. These are countries with high rates of poverty and unemployment. People in these countries need work. They need money to support themselves and their families.  At the same time, plastic pollution and other harmful non biodegradable waste need to be removed. Employing people to do the job is the most effective way to remove plastic and other non biodegradable trash from coasts and other areas. 

Creating an employed army of people cleaning coasts and other areas from plastic pollution and other harmful non biodegradable waste is not in and of itself the solution to plastic pollution, but it is an important part of  the solution. 

Other things must be done, including finding packaging materials that are affordable and biodegradable. Biodegradable alternatives to non biodegradable synthetic clothing and other plastic based materials need to be found. Waste management needs to be significantly improved. Developed nations need to help developing nations achieve better waste management so that so much plastic and other non biodegradable waste does not end up in the oceans and other waters. Relying on less plastic and oil based materials, especially materials that cannot be recycled and that are not biodegradable, is of critical importance.

It is better that people in need of work receive employment removing plastic pollution than remain without work and opportunity. Plastic pollution is an unfolding catastrophe. An army of people hired to clean is far better than having millions of people indoctrinated to hate and kill in the name of religion or some other mindless cause. 

Friday, June 21, 2019

Why Yazidis Were Murdered, Raped And Enslaved, And Not Iraqi And Syrian Jews

          Years ago, Iraqi Jews were ethnically cleansed and forced to flee for their lives to the State of Israel, the only country that would accept them. Many were raped and murdered. To this day, rather than apologize to the Iraqi Jews, many of the Islamists in Iraq would rather see them murdered, raped and destroyed, along with their one small country of Israel.
         The Jews that lived in Syria faced persecution and deep rooted antisemitism. Eventually, the ones that survived escaped to Israel. Israelis captured by Syria during the 1973 war and during other wars were brutally tortured. Few survived their captivity.
        When ISIS Islamists swept through Iraq and Syria, there were no longer any Jewish towns, villages or other places where Jews could be found.
         Unfortunately for the Yazidis, they did not have their own country, no matter how small it might be. They had no way to defend themselves. Many Iraqi and Syrian Christians were also murdered or forced to flee.
            Syrian Jews and Iraqi Jews know what would have happened to them if they were in Iraq or Syria, and not in Israel. The Jews of Israel know only too well what will happen to them if Israel loses even just one war.
            There must be justice and an accounting for what was done by Islamists to Yazidis, middle east Christians and other religious minorities. The acceptance of genocidal ambitions by Islamists towards Jews, Christians, Yazidis and others must become unacceptable.
             Thousands of Yazidi girls and women that were taken as sex slaves by Islamists have still not returned home. Whatever is decent that is left of humanity must fight for the return of these women and children.

Anti Colonialism And The Islamist Pursuit Of Genocide Against The Jews

     Anti colonialism is but one argument used against Israel to excuse genocidal ambitions. Islamists and their Jew hating allies on the left and right latch on to any excuse to demonize and destroy the one small and only Jewish state in the world. Jewish tribes that lived on the Arabian peninsula were murdered, enslaved and driven out during the rise of Islam in the 7th century. Even though the history of Jews under Islamic rule was less brutal and murderous than the history of Jews in Christian Europe, the fact remains that the Jews of the middle east and North Africa also experienced persecution and ethnic cleansing.
      When Israel became a state, Arab armies were determined to wipe out the new state. Had they not attacked, things would be very different today for the Arabs now called Palestinians. Palestinian Arabs did not welcome Jews with open arms, as many Islamists allege. There were a series of massacres against the Jews by Arabs living in British ruled Palestine in the years before and after Israel became a state. War, jihad and the murdering of Jews was the path chosen by far too many Arab Muslims.
       Islamists and their supporters ignore or dismiss what happened to the Jews of the middle east and North Africa. These Jews and their descendants form the majority population of Israel. Jews were ethnically cleansed and driven out from Algeria, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Yemen, and more. Over 90 per cent of the Jewish population of Iran fled after the Iranian Islamist takeover. Most of the Jews that were ethnically cleansed from Muslim majority lands went to the only place that would receive them- Israel.
       Many Jews were raped and/or murdered, and never made it to Israel.
       The Arabs now called Palestinians do not face the genocide far too many of them wish upon the Jews. Throughout the Islamic world, Jew hatred is rampant and growing. Hamas, Iran, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and many more call for the complete destruction of the State of Israel. They and their supporters on the left and right like to excuse their genocidal ambitions and desire to murder, rape, and enslave with fancy words like liberation, resistance, and anti colonialism.
        The Jews of the middle east and North Africa lost their lands, and in many instances their lives, when many Muslim majority nations drove out their Jews. Lands that are far greater in size than all of what is now Israel. Now that these Jews and their descendants that survived the ethnic cleansing are safe in their own small country of Israel, the Islamists and their allies insist these Jews and their country of Israel must be destroyed.
        The Jews of the middle east and North Africa do not have the right of return that many insist is an exclusive right for only Palestinian Arabs. These Jews have no place other than Israel. Their backs are to the wall, and they know it. The ethnic cleansing that was committed against them remains a crime against humanity that continues to be ignored.
        Make no mistake about it, all those calling for the destruction of Israel are calling for war, murder, and the deaths and maiming of millions, Jew and Arab alike.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Jews, Plastic Pollution And The Destruction Of The Environment

     Plastic pollution is one of the major threats facing humanity and the well being of oceans, wildlife and much more. There are a number of reasons why this pending catastrophe is not properly addressed, which will be discussed at another time. We will focus here on only one of these reasons.
     As long as the desire to hate and blame is greater than the desire to heal and prosper, Jews and the small State of Israel will remain the target to destroy. Not plastic pollution. Not nuclear weapons and their proliferation. Not the myriad of things people are doing to destroy themselves and the environment. Not the many wars and conflicts throughout the world that have absolutely nothing to do with Jews. Not poverty, hunger or disease. Instead, Jews remain the number one completely fictitious threat in the demented minds of many.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Putin, RT And Nuclear Weapons. Will Putin Walk The Walk, Or Just Talk The Talk?

     Putin knows that nuclear weapons are a major threat to human survival that needs to be stopped. He knows this because he said so. RT, the mouthpiece for the Kremlin and Putin's lapdog, reported the aforementioned, making it appear that Putin is a man for peace that vigorously opposes nuclear weapons. This is a different tune than recently, when Putin talked about martyrdom and announced new advances in nuclear weapons technology - the advent of Russian developed hypersonic nuclear weapons that cannot be stopped- thus setting the stage for a new nuclear arms race.
     Putin is in a rare position that few humans have obtained or will ever obtain. He can talk the talk all he wants about nuclear weapons and their threat to human survival, but he is one of the few people that can actually walk the walk and reduce  nuclear weapons and their proliferation.  Does he have the only real courage and strength that matters - moral strength and courage- or will he be a man of empty words slavishly worshiped by the RT sycophants?