Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Electric Cars Will Not Offset Environmental Destruction

 The world attempts to move away from fossil fuels, hoping this will slow down climate change. Electric anything is the rage, as though this will rescue humanity. 

All around the world, forests, mangroves, ocean floors and more are destroyed. Instead of living with less, development continues out of control. Even if all vehicles become electric, this will not offset the harm that unbridled development and environmental destruction cause. Besides the fact that electricity needs to come from somewhere, the endless pursuit of more at the expense of environmental protection and health ensures no technology will rescue us from ourselves. 

Years End; Wealth Of World Deteriorates, But Not Stock Markets

 Another year passes. The stock markets are at all time highs. It was another great year for them. Meanwhile, the real wealth of the world, which includes a healthy environment, continues to deteriorate. 

Monday, December 28, 2020

Gabapentin, Pregabalin, Pros, Cons And Pain

 Medications can have side affects. Gabapentin and pregabalin are no exception. It is easy to find horror stories about these medications. These medications may adversely harm the brain. The list of bad side effects are many. But what if the person that relies upon these drugs lives in constant pain and agony without these drugs? Is debilitating pain that keeps a person from sleeping and in agony less harmful than the side effects a drug that may alleviate the pain can cause? 

Chronic, intense and acute pain are not easy to deal with. Gabapentin and pregabalin may offer a way for some that live with certain types of intense pain to have a better quality of life. Others may find that it offers no benefit. And still others may find that the negative side affects outweigh anything positive that the drugs can produce. There is no way to know if these drugs will help lessen specific types of intense pain other than by trying them under a medical professionals' supervision. 

Finding relief from pain is a difficult road. Snake oil sales people know this. A lot of false promises are made regarding an array of treatments, ointments, herbs, pills, medicines and so forth. Pregabalin and gabapentin are two possible drugs in the arsenal against living with specific types of intense pain. If they help a person live better and sleep better, then it is very well possible that the positives outweigh the negatives. If not, the search must continue for a way to live with intense, chronic and acute pain without resorting to far worse alternatives. 

Saturday, December 26, 2020

The Right Religion, The Right Faith

 If everyone follows one religion and believes in the same god or same thing, that would make for an uninteresting world. Life is enriched by diversity, not by sameness and mindless conformity. 

Name the one living person that has completely died and returned to life that can say with certainty what exists or does not exist beyond this life. No such person exists. 

But even so, many people say that only their religion, only their faith, only their belief is right. 

The only right religion, or lack of religion, is the one that helps a person to be a better human being. Braver, kinder, more compassionate, less violent, less hateful, less destructive, less greedy, less selfish. Whatever path leads to being a better human being is the right path. No matter the religion, no matter the faith, no matter the belief.  Unfortunately, many are those that follow religion, follow a faith, and think that this in and of itself is enough, even when they are morally bankrupt. 

Saturday, December 12, 2020

From Hitler To Now: The Evil Of Demonizing Jews And Other Scapegoated Targets

 Hitler tapped into one of the most evil forces that can flow through the arteries of humanity. The need to have a target to hate. The need to have a target to demonize. The need to have a scapegoat. The need to have an external enemy to blame all things on. 

And so, one of the most advanced, developed nations in the world, followed a small minded Jew hater. A war that Germany could never win following the likes of Hitler. The military mistakes of Hitler and the Nazis are well known. The diversion of resources and manpower to commit genocide further hindered the German war effort. Genocide and destruction was what Hitler and his Jew obsessed followers desired. When it was all over, almost all of the mass murderers spent the rest of their lives unpunished. Few were ever held responsible for their crimes. They tortured, performed live medical experiments on humans, raped and killed with impunity. They killed unarmed civilians, babies and children, rarely blinking an eye. 

Many in Germany and Europe were only too happy to go along with the Nazi killing campaign as long as it was the Jew being killed. But killing never ends with the despised enemy only. Killing and genocide are unstoppable rivers of blood. It starts with the Jew and target of hate, but never ends with the Jew and target of hate. 

With over 50 million killed, with the extermination of over 90 per cent of Europe's Jewish population, with millions of other people considered inferior murdered, Hitler sat in his bunker as the Russians were closing in. Was there any remorse? Any regret? No. Jew haters are an unapologetic lot. Right to the end, hitler blamed the Jew for his defeat. Jews that had no army, no military, no means of defense. And so the mass murderer, with no remorse, blamed the Jews for all of his own terrible mistakes and deeds and for everything else, and then took his own life rather than face the consequences for the enormous evil he committed.

2021 and onward, will anything change? The need to scapegoat is as strong as ever. The need to demonize is as strong as ever. The need to have an external enemy to blame is as strong as ever. 

The evil in the form of hatred for Jews is as strong as ever. Some disguise it as hatred for Zionists, their way of pretending not to hate Jews while still desiring the destruction and genocide of the one small nation in the world holding over half of the world's Jewish population. They use the word Zionist as a negative word. By dehumanizing and delegitimizing the human beings of Israel, and reducing them to a word that they use for negative connotations, it legitimizes their hatred and desire to destroy the small state. They delegitimize and demonize the people of Israel and then hide behind the excuse that it is Zionists or Israelis that are hated, not Jews. There is a world of difference between criticizing and opposing the policies and government of Israel and seeking the destruction of the entire state. All governments should be open to criticism and scrutiny. But seeking a countries complete destruction is nothing less than a call to genocide. 

Nazi propaganda made Jews out to be the worst of creatures. By inciting and fueling hate, it became easy to take the next step and commit murder and genocide. Israel is an imperfect state. But the propaganda against Israel, turning average Israelis into demons, makes it easy to pursue the very real genocide that many seek. Some delegitimize the people of Israel by casting them as not being real Jews or as being something evil like nazis, and therefore a people that must be destroyed. The delegitimizing and demonizing of the people of Israel makes the road to a real and lasting peace near impossible to achieve. Instead, it opens the door to genocide. 

The Jew hater finds a thousand ways to blame Jews for everything bad. Some of the Jew haters find it in theology, as they make up distorted, twisted evil narratives about the religion of Jews. Judaism is one of the originators of the belief that whoever takes one life it is as if they destroyed all of humanity, and do unto others as thou would have others do unto you, and the ten commandments itself, these basic principles of Judaism, are completely disregarded by the Jew hater, who instead creates evil false narratives about Jews meant to stir up hatred and incitement and the murder of Jews. 

Some Jew haters conveniently blame the Jew for communism and bolshevism and the mass murder that resulted from both, even though Jews themselves, along with practicing Christians and others, were persecuted by Bolsheviks and communists. Millions of Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and other people born of different religions willingly embraced the destructive ideology of communism, an ideology hostile towards all religions. For every Jew that became a communist or Bolshevik, there were countless Christian born people that became communists or Bolsheviks. But the Jew hater wants to conveniently blame Jews for everything they see wrong in the world. For everything they despise, there is the Jew for them to blame. There are Jew haters convinced Jews are to blame for globalization, for illegal immigration, for bad weather, for high deficits, for the wars raging throughout the world, and for anything and everything the Jew hater despises and opposes.

Jew hatred is a human weakness. It is an evil. Needing an enemy to blame for everything is evil. What results from this hate, when combined with the ability and means to act out the hate, is genocide.

And so, since World War 2, genocide and ethnic cleansing, which the world swore would never happen again, occurred or is occurring - in Cambodia, in Rwanda, in the Congo, in Iraq and Syria to Yazidis, Christians and moderate Muslims and others, in Northern Nigeria to Christians, in Darfur to black Muslims, and in many other countries and places. 

It is easy to hate and find excuses for those that hate. It is hard to change those that demonize and hate. This is a heavily populated world. More countries are on the way to acquiring nuclear weapons. If people do not fight for a worldwide outbreak of peace, if people do not resist the urge to scapegoat and hate and act violently towards those that are scapegoated or demonized, then the future is very bleak.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Animal Abuse And Animal Organization Fraud

Would an anti domestic violence organization dare to show pictures of abused women and ask for  money? Would they show these pictures in commercials or by other ways in order to fund raise?

Animal cruelty and dog fighting have long been poorly responded to crimes by law enforcement. The advocacy that could have changed this never materialized. This failure is a story unto itself about greed and exploitation. Whoever gives the impression that they are the answer to dog fighting and animal cruelty wins the jackpot of unlimited sums of money. Show an abused dog or cat and give the illusion your organization will rescue the animals from their suffering, and the money will flow

No animal organization should conduct animal abuse investigations. These organizations and their investigators are often toothless and ineffective at best. Many are the times their investigations are harmful and provide dog fighters and animal abusers an opportunity to move their animals to a new location after getting paid a visit by a humane investigator. Even if the humane investigator is provided law enforcement powers, which is the case in very limited areas in the United States, all they do is provide larger law enforcement an excuse to continue to do little to nothing about dog fighting and animal cruelty. All crimes, especially violent crimes, requires an appropriate and widespread police response by public law enforcement. No crime, especially crimes of violence, which includes animal cruelty and dog fighting, can properly be addressed by token police teams or by non police organizations. Crime, especially violent crime, is the responsibility of public law enforcement. Having allowed animal cruelty and dog fighting to largely be the exception to this rule has benefited animal abusers, dog fighters, and the animal organizations and individuals that profit by portraying themselves as the answer to animal cruelty.

 Only police should respond to violent crimes, which in the case of animal cruelty and dog fighting, they have failed miserably to do. There is no excuse for police to continue to minimally respond to these crimes. Token police teams assigned to investigate animal cruelty, whether fielded by police departments or by animal organizations, must end. Investigations conducted by animal organizations must end. Animal advocates and animal organizations must fight for an appropriate and widespread police response to animal cruelty and dog fighting, a task they have failed to do for decades now. They must stop exploiting animal cruelty for their own gain. 

Animals used in laboratories or for slaughter are not regulated by criminal codes, and therefore cannot be addressed by public law enforcement. These animals receive few protections. This should be the focus of organizations concerned about animal cruelty.  But the animal cruelty to domestic animals that is written in the criminal codes for public law enforcement to enforce, must finally move fully into the realm of public law enforcement and away from ineffective token police teams and ineffective and at times harmful animal organizations. Animal organizations must stop using domestic animal cruelty as a way of selling and marketing themselves. They must become advocates, once and for all, to ensure public law enforcement responds appropriately and in a widespread matter to animal cruelty that is covered by criminal codes.

Will decades more pass before this happens? Will exploiting voiceless populations continue to be an easy and lucrative money maker? Will animal cruelty and dog fighting continue to be exploited by certain people calling themselves animal advocates and by organizations that claim to be anti-cruelty?

Animal abuse is an incredibly common occurring crime. Dog fighting is widespread, but not as common as animal cruelty in general. The dysfunctional approach to animal cruelty and dog fighting has ensured that dog fighters have greater chances of getting struck by lightning than ever getting arrested for dog fighting. Few arrests are made for animal cruelty in proportion to the enormous frequency and widespread nature of the crime. Animals do not deserve this, and neither do people.