Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat its mistakes. What were the lessons from Vietnam that should have raised red flags about going full scale to war in Afghanistan as opposed to limited operations with specific objectives? What were the lessons from the Soviet war in Afghanistan that the U.S. chose to ignore? Was it arrogance that made U.S. leaders believe they could achieve what the Soviets proved could not be achieved in Afghanistan?
Why was there a full scale invasion? What alternatives were there and why were they not pursued? Why is there no accountability for the leaders that waged the war and for the decisions they made? This includes every president and administration from Bush to Biden. Why the full scale war to begin with, the surges, and then the complete withdrawal and abandonment?
Why has there been little challenge to the religiosity and ideology of the Taliban? What the Taliban follows does not originate with them. Wars and battles are won not only by physical battle, but by defeating the ideologies and beliefs that lead to war. What the Taliban wants, what the Taliban follows, is not limited to Afghanistan. Instead of dismissing it as some kind of rare extremism, it needs to be objectively examined and recognized that it is widespread. Countries that support the Taliban and similar harsh ideologies are not held accountable. Nazism, communism, were openly challenged by the west. The west is afraid to challenge anything that goes under the banner of religion out of political cowardice and fear of offending.
Secular democracies are strong because of the separation of church, mosque and state. Governments ruled by religion hide their rife corruption and oppression by pretending that they speak on behalf of god.
Theocracies, no matter the shape, form, or religion they fall under, are almost always corrupt and dysfunctional. The west has become a timid place afraid to stand up on behalf of freedom and the dignity of individuals. This includes the unaccountable social media monopolies that control and manipulate information, schools, colleges and universities that indoctrinate, and more. The Taliban was brutal to minorities, women and girls. They were even brutal to Afghanistan's past, blowing up incredibly rare Buddhist statutes. What they believe, what they follow, is widespread and growing. Instead of dismissing the Taliban as an aberration, it is time to recognize the commonality and harm of the Taliban and the other violent fanatical religious organizations and nations.