Friday, October 29, 2021

YouTube Censoring Videos Opposing Hate And Anti-Semitism

A religious leader called for the violent destruction of Israel, the slaughter and ethnic cleansing of its Jewish population, and for war against the Jews. Is that hate speech? Or is opposing Jew hatred, or anti-Semitism, hate speech? I challenged this anti-Semitism in a video, and other anti-Semitism in another video, only to have the videos censored by YouTube. 

I appealed their censorship, which was quickly rejected with no explanation given other than that my videos violated their policies on hate. In other words, my videos which called out hate were themselves considered hate, perhaps because I cited the sources from which the hate emanated.

I have records of the censored videos. I challenge YouTube, or anyone for that matter, to show anything in the videos that in any way promotes hate, violence, bigotry or intolerance.

Social Media selectively censors. People that belong to one of social media's protected groups are given a pass even when they themselves spread hate, misery, violence, bigotry and intolerance. Those that challenge the hate and bigotry of the protected are censored and shut down.

Social media corporations censor content that has nothing to do with hate, violence or misinformation if it does not conform to how they want people to think or if it goes against who is not allowed to be challenged or criticized. They censor content using the excuse that what they do not like promotes hate.

Anti-Semitism and any form of hate and bigotry should be opposed regardless of its source. Hate and bigotry should not be protected when it comes from members of a religion or from anyone else, even when a religion or group are given special protection status by social media or others. Preferential treatment is something that causes harm in and of itself. Protecting the source of hate by giving them victim status or protected group status and not holding them accountable for their own hate and bigotry only adds to hate and bigotry and makes it worse.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Violence Keeps People Downtrodden, Including Many Black People. BLM, Carmine's, Candace Owens Interview

 An incident occurred in a New York City restaurant in which an Asian hostess was physically attacked by three black women from Texas. During an interview with Candace Owens, a Black Lives Matter leader justified the attack, insisting the three women legitimately attacked the hostess because the hostess uttered a racial slur. Unfortunately, neither Candace Owens or her other guest responded to this argument. 

BLM held demonstrations outside of the restaurant, demanding that the restaurant be shut down.

There is no way to prove or disprove the claim that a racial slur was issued, in that there are videos of the attack, but no clear audible. 

Even if a racial slur was uttered, there is no law on the books anywhere that allows someone to be physically attacked because of words, including racial slurs or other words of hate.

The BLM activist insisted that violence is justified in response to words. 

If this is what people want, then write it in the books. Make legal what far too many people pathetically already embrace: the use of violence based on reasons and standards that have nothing to do with self defense. 

And then do not be surprised when there is more of the same toxicity: more violence, more hate. 

Violence and hate and their acceptance keeps people downtrodden. Glorifying violence keeps people downtrodden. Violence is the mother to more violence. 

Racism, past injustices or hate used as an excuse to ignore, condone or promote violence and one's own hate and bigotry have been widespread for decades now the world over, and still its poison is ignored. 

Embrace or glorify violence, and in return expect violence, oppression, poverty and misery.


Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, The Unlimited Power Of Social Media To Destroy

 YouTube should be an independent company and no longer part of a monopoly that has proven itself incapable of ensuring YouTube is not a platform for hate, violence, dehumanization, and misinformation.

Facebook is an unaccountable monopoly that has proven itself incapable of  not being a platform for hate, violence, dehumanization and misinformation. 

Facebook must be broken up into at least three different companies, if not more: WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook.

There is no excuse for why these corporations, Twitter and others were allowed to evade regulation, accountability and liability, and for some to become monopolies. There is no excuse for allowing this to continue.  

The United States government has proven itself good at spending money that it does not have, propping up the stock market as though it is the only game that matters in the world, waging senseless wars and then abandoning allies, while failing completely to prevent monopolies, the concentration of power and wealth into the hands of a tiny few, and to regulate and hold accountable certain corporations.

Social media corporations are more than platforms for hate and misinformation. 

Social media corporations, including Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter,  censor content that has nothing to do with hate, violence or misinformation, and that instead does not conform to how they want people to think. 

Their control of information is destroying freedom and the lives of many.

The monopolies need to be broken up. 

They all need to be independently regulated.