Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Four Word Reason Famine and Genocide In Sudan Is Ignored

Thousands of children are dying from malnutrition, starvation and disease in the Sudan.

Not a single protest anywhere. 

Thousands upon thousands of children are dying in the Sudan from war and real genocide.

Not a word of protest anywhere. 

Not a single student protestor in the west. 

Not a single religious person or political person shedding one of their selective tears that are only shed if the group they hate can be blamed.

No anything. 

Millions of people will die from war, genocide and famine, on top of the countless millions that have already died from the war, genocide and famine in the Sudan, Dafur, Yemen, Congo region, Myanmar and more.

There is nothing but silence, as usual. 

Because of the four words. 

History keeps repeating itself. Millions, even billions, would rather nurture their crutch, their weakness, their scapegoat, their targe to hate, their pathetic weakness.

No one is coming to rescue the Sudan, the criminally ignored Sudan.


Because of the four words.

No Jews to blame.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Why More Journalists Have Been Killed In The War Against Israel Than Elsewhere

 A recent report castigates Israel for allegedly killing more journalists this past year than anywhere else. Statistics by themselves do not tell whole stories.

Let us leave aside the fact that some or many of these journalists were enemy combatants or propagandists.

Let us assume that all of the journalists killed were real journalists covering war in a war zone, which is extremely unlikely.

Why were more killed in the war against Israel than by any other country at war?

Afterall, there are terrible bloody wars and armed conflicts occurring in the Sudan, in Yemen, in Myanmar, in the Congo region, North Nigeria, Somalia, and in many other places in the world. 

So why then have more journalists been killed by covering the wars Israel fights than in these other wars and conflicts?

Most wars and conflicts receive little to no coverage. Most wars and conflicts have few to no journalists on the ground. If there are few to no journalists in a war zone, then there are few to no journalists killed by the inherent danger of being in a war zone.

The sad fact is that if there is not Israel to blame and demonize, then few to no one cares about the many wars and killing fields in the world that have nothing to do with Israel.

The vicious war in the Sudan, Yemen, Myanmar, and more receives little to no coverage. No journalists on the ground there to die by the inherent danger of being in a war zone. 

Millions of people have been killed in recent vicious, bloody wars and armed conflicts with virtually no coverage, no journalists on the ground, no protests in the west, no college students lifting a single voice

If there is not Israel to demonize, human life has no value to the millions that will cry fake tears for the Arabs now called Palestinian, but not a single tear for an Arab or anyone else if there is not Israel to blame. 

Hamas and company massacred, raped and murdered defenseless people inside of Israel on October 7, including babies and children, starting a war. This is a war being fought in a densely populated area in which Hamas and Islamic Jihad uses civilians as human shields to hide behind and beneath. Hamas spent billions on tunnels for themselves, and not a single bomb shelter above ground for civilians. 

Civilian casualties, including that of journalists, propagandists and armed combatants claiming to be journalists, are inevitable if they are in the area where there is war. Journalists are not dying in places like Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Northern Nigeria and more where there is war or armed conflicts because they are simply not in those places with few, if any, exceptions.

In the war zones and killing fields all over the world, if Israel cannot be castigated and blamed, there is little to no interest or concern.

Millions continue to die with their stories untold. Human life is cheap to millions, perhaps billions of people, if there is no Israel to demonize, no anti-Israel propaganda value to be gained from the suffering and death of others.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Free Palestine Is A Genocidal Movement

 Hitler wanted a Jew free Europe. He and his demented cronies did not hide their intent. When they had the power, they mass murdered and exterminated almost all of the Jews of Europe in the holocaust, started a world war that resulted in the deaths of over 70 million people, destroyed Europe, created millions of refugees, and caused millions of people to be crippled, wounded, handicapped and scarred for life.

Hamas and company want a Jew free Palestine. They do not hide their intent, anymore than Hitler hid his.

On October 7, Hamas and company showed the world once again that when they get their hands on defenseless people, including babies, children and the very old, they rape, murder, behead, burn people alive, mutilate, torture, kidnap and commit other atrocities. 

Hamas already showed the world they will murder every Israeli, every Jew they can get their hands on, in their relentless suicide bombing attacks, randomly running cars and trucks into pedestrians, stabbing people randomly on the streets, shooting civilians, and more. 

Hamas and company make it clear that murder is not taboo to them. 

Deliberately attacking and killing defenseless people - murder - violating the most basic of commandments enshrined in the ten commandments, was demonically elevated by Hamas and company from taboo to virtue. 

Murder is resistance in their demented, hate filled minds. 

From the years of relentless attacks, Israel constructed walls and fences. 

To Hamas supporters, walls and fences constructed by Israel to stop murder and terror is unacceptable. Jews defending themselves from murder and the driving force behind this conflict and why it never resolves, antisemitism, which means specifically hatred against Jews, is perversely reinterpreted to keep the narrative flowing of Jews as demonic or subhuman.They say walls and fences means apartheid and oppression, knowing full well why those walls and fences were constructed in the first place.

They excuse, deny, support or justify Hamas and company Oct 7 massacres and atrocities. As long as it is Jews that are the victims, rape, kidnapping, mutilation and murder finds its defenders. 

For the anti-Israel crowd, Israel forced into war by a war their enemies started, must be labeled genocide. The fact that children and civilians are killed because Hamas and company wages war hiding beneath and behind civilian, means nothing to the anti-Israel crowd. Hamas spent billions on terror tunnels for themselves, and not a single bomb shelter for civilians above ground. Hamas themselves declare they do not care how many civilians they use as human shields are killed as long as they get to attack Jews.

Hamas and their many allies openly declare their intent to murder Jews and have already showed that when they have the opportunity, they rape, kidnap and murder the defenseless. The free Palestine crowd could care less, or supports the atrocities.

Hamas and company want a Jew free Palestine. The public record of their intent to commit genocide and wipe out the Jews of Israel is no more hidden than are their actions.

Most of the Hamas and anti-Israel crowd are clueless about Israelis themselves, not understanding that most Israelis are from the middle east, including what is now Israel, from Africa, and from parts of Asia, where they have their own history of ethnic cleansing, occupation, land theft, murder and massacres. 

Free Palestine is no different than Hitler's call for a Jew free Europe. Free Palestine means destroying Israel and exterminating its majority population; Israeli Jews.

Free Palestine is a call for extermination. It is not a call for two states. It is not a call for coexistence. It is not a call even for one state where Jews and Arabs live together. 

Free Palestine means exactly what Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the Iranian regime, and their many supporters and allies say that it means; destroy Israel and kill Jews.

How many more wars, how many more innocent people must suffer, how many more children must die, to fulfill the blood lust of the anti-Israel, anti-Jew crowd?

If the war in Gaza ends today, it is only a matter of time before another war begins, more children are killed, more misery unfolds. Unless the root cause of the conflict - hatred of Jews and the embrace of murder - is actively resisted, which is the true resistance, the senseless killings and wars will not end.

The blood-lust of the anti-Israel crowd is insatiable. They complain about war as they call for war. They complain about civilian causalities and children being killed, as they call for more war and phony violent resistance, the very things that causes this misery and children to die.  

They complain about genocide, conflating the horrors of war with actual genocide, as they support the actual organizations and countries, including Hamas, the Iranian regime and others, that actively seek genocide.

They complain about children being killed, as they openly support the murderers of Jewish children  that wage war using their own children as their human shields.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Palestine/Israel Conflict Is Not Complex To Bigots

 Simple narratives appeal to bigots. Whether they are on the left or right politically or are of one religious persuasion or another - when they are bigoted narrow minded people- they want simple narratives to validate their bias.

The complex history of Israel's majority population - Jews that originated in the middle east, Asia and 
Africa - where Jews experienced a long and difficult history of persecution, ethnic cleansing and theft of their lands, property and lives, is absent from the narratives of the bigoted. 

Everything that is claimed about the Arabs now called Palestinian are claims most Israeli Jews can  make. These Jews were ethnically cleansed and driven from their lands, where they were forced to flee to Israel. The entire middle east and North Africa, outside of Israel, where Jews once lived for thousands of years in some places, and for centuries in others, are now Jew free, with only a few tiny exceptions. 

Jews - whether they are the descendants of  holocaust survivors from Europe, or are the descendants of Jews that lived throughout the middle east, including in what is now Israel, North Africa and other parts of Africa and Asia - have a long history of being ethnically cleansed, having there be theft and occupation of their homes and lands, and having been massacred and persecuted.

While bigots seek simplicity in order to disregard the legitimacy of Israel itself, there is nothing that they can claim in their false narratives about Israel that is not true about Arabs, Europeans, Americans,  and many other people in the world.

Billions of people live on lands violently stolen from indigenous people and that are now occupied. This includes lands throughout North America, South America, Central America, the middle east, North Africa and much of the rest of Africa, large parts of Asia, Australia, New Zealand and more.

Countless millions that can claim rights of return do not do so because time moves on, history is not stagnant, and only a cruel person and a complete fool believes that time can be reversed by new ethnic cleansing and slaughter. 

Jews, Arabs and others are stuck with one another on a small piece of land. Those that want them at each others throats have sinister motives.

The right to murder, to slaughter and ethnically cleansed, no matter how this is disguised, is the right of no one. 

Oct. 7 was not liberation, resistance, or anything other than the murder, slaughter, rape and kidnapping of defenseless people, including babies, children, the weak and old.

This conflict, this war, is kept alive by the evil belief that murder is a right, that murder is a legitimate form of resistance, whereas in fact murder is an evil that is the right of no one. 

War, including casualties of war and murder are not the same. Hamas wanted this war. Hamas uses civilians as human shields to hide behind and beneath. Hamas built billion dollars tunnels for themselves, and not a single bomb shelter above ground for civilians. 

The only way for civilians not to be harmed by war is to not start wars, and to not be one of the cheerleaders for war. Millions protest civilian casualties in Gaza but are silent for the far greater number of civilian casualties in wars not involving Israel. They pretend to care about the children and civilians of Gaza because they want to demonize Israel while they cynically call for more war and phony violent resistance that causes the civilian casualties in the first place. 

Monday, December 2, 2024

No Jew News Silence For Syria, Sudan, Dying Oceans

 Now that the Syrian war has started full force again, there will be no protests or outcry's for the children. 

Hundreds of thousands of children and other civilians have already been killed in the vicious Syrian war, with million of civilians caught between the brutal barrel bombing Assad regime, backed by Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, against fanatical violent jihadis backed by Turkey and others. 

Arab militias are slaughtering children and civilians in Darfur and elsewhere in the Sudan. Rape and murder are commonly inflicted upon civilians.

The war continues in Yemen between the Houthis backed by Iran and the Saudi backed Sunnis. Already hundreds of thousands of children and civilians have been killed. 

A large part of Somalia is controlled by Al Shaabab fanatics that do not hesitate to murder civilians. 

There are no rights for women, girls and religious minorities in Afghanistan and in many other countries. 

Boko Haram continues to murder Christians and others in North Nigeria.

Religious ethnic minorities, including Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh, middle east Christians, Bahais in Iran, Jews, Yazidis and others are at great risk in many countries.

Food shortages, disease and famine are present in many war torn and poverty stricken nations.

Countless millions are homeless refugees.

No one cares. We have to face that fact. You can do anything you want in this world, murder, rape, destroy the environment, poison the environment, kill off the oceans upon which all life depends, contaminate the oceans with plastics and more, destroy forests, wipe out biodiversity and wildlife, destroy mangroves, sea-grass beds, pollute the planet, and there will be no protests.

It does not matter if it is genocide in Darfur, which is unfolding once again right now. 

It does not matter that billions of dollars are being squandered on nuclear weapons, increasing the risk of the end of all of humankind.

It does not matter that real slavery still exists.

It does not matter that child marriage destroys the lives of countless children. There is an effort in Iraq to lower the age of marriage to 9. Child marriage is already common in a number of countries. 

It does not matter the massive violence and persecution of religious and ethnic minorities in a number of countries throughout the world that are governed by religious fanatics and mobs. 

It does not matter how much corruption, greed, poverty and violence are destroying the lives of millions.

No one cares. 

The only thing that they care about and that gets countless students and others onto the streets is ensuring that Israel is turned into a Jew free nation like the rest of the middle east and North Africa. Jews lived throughout the middle east and North Africa for thousands of years in many places, and for many centuries in other places. These Jews and their descendants form the majority population of Israel, where they are told they must leave and go back to Europe, a land from which they never came; those that they do not slaughter. Europe, the graveyard of millions of European Jews where mobs chant to this day for the death of Jews.

Countless millions want one world under the rule of one religion, and do not hide their violent intention to implement this goal.

And if, including by violence, terror, war and intolerance they achieve their goal, it will be a world in which no sane person will want to live - an environmentally depleted world full of poverty, misery, and submission to the tyranny of men pretending to speak for god.