Saturday, January 18, 2025

Why War Against Israel Never Ends

 Israel is a tiny country consisting of a majority population of Jews. The majority population of Israel are Jews and their descendants from the middle east and Africa. 

There has been war against the Jews of the middle east and elsewhere before and after Israel was established as a UN recognized nation in 1948. There were pogroms, massacres and murders of Jews and attacks against Jews in British controlled Palestine before Israel became a state. Jews were slaughtered, persecuted and forced out from lands all over the middle east and North Africa. Almost all of the Jews of Europe, over 6 million, were murdered by Hitler and his many cronies and followers during the holocaust.

There may be intermittent periods of calm, but the never disappearing effort to exterminate Jews does not cease to rear its hideous head.

The pathological need to hate, to have a scapegoat, a target to demonize, blame and dehumanize is an enormous human weakness and form of evil that keeps hatred against Jews alive. Jews, as a tiny religious/ethnic minority, have been the preferred scapegoat and target of hate and murder since time immemorial. 

This desire and effort to murder and exterminate Jews is not kept hidden. It is there in plain sight. 

It is not enough that there was a holocaust. It is not enough that there were many centuries of persecution, murder and slaughter of Jews throughout the middle east, North Africa and elsewhere. It is not enough that almost the entire middle east, Asia and North Africa were turned into Jew free zones. 

October 7 showed the world once again what the enemies of Jews will do if they get their hands on defenseless people. They murder, rape, kidnap, mutilate, torture, burn alive, loot, commit atrocities and more against every defenseless person that they can get their hands on.

The Jew haters come up with never ending reasons for their demonic hate. They rant on endlessly about why they hate Jews. 

Everything the Jew hater does not like or finds wrong in the world they blame on the Jew. The Jew is the crutch for the weak minded.

Countless time and effort is wasted refuting the never ending effort to demonize, dehumanize, scapegoat, blame and defame Jews.

As long as evil exists, people will hate, defame, demonize, blame, scapegoat and seek to murder Jews. 

The need to hate and harm the object of that hate, including murder, is an enormous human weakness  and form of evil.

It exists not because the Jew exists, which is what they think, but because evil exists.  

No decent human being on the planet, even if they are filled with hate, will murder or allow murder to be acceptable.

When those that are against murder are no longer dominant, dark times descend upon humanity.

Millions of people want to murder the target of their hate; Jews, and blame the Jews they want to murder for their own murderous desires. When Jew haters do murder, they and their followers blame the murdered instead of the murderers.

Jew haters try to make it about religion, politics, distorted and untrue narratives about Jews, or some other excuse to hate Jews, a people they treat as one monolithic entity and not as unique individuals with minds of their own.

Jew haters know full well that calling for the destruction of Israel is a call for genocide and mass murder. They often use lofty slogans to hide their murderous intent.

The hatred against Jews is one of the few things that perversely unites many people and countries. Jew hatred is exploited by many and used as a way to gain followers, wealth, money, fame, fortune, audiences, and unite people behind a demented cause. It is a crutch that attracts the weak minded. Millions of people happily go along with this evil.

Millions condemn Israel for waging a war they did not start in a world full of raging wars that few to no one condemns. Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza murdered, sexually abused, kidnapped, mutilated, tortured, burned people alive, desecrated bodies, much of which they themselves filmed. They murdered and committed atrocities against people of all ages inside of Israel on October 7, including babies, children, women, girls, defenseless people of all ages. Rather than condemn this evil, many leaders and influential people of all sorts pander instead to Jew hating mobs and crowds. 

The human weakness to mindlessly conform ensures the widespread embrace of Jew hatred. Few have the moral fortitude to resist what the mob wants. 

This is not about supporting Israel. It is about the widespread acceptance and embrace of murder, kidnapping, sexual abuse and atrocities as long as it is committed against the Jew. Even when they cynically substitute the word Zionist or another word for Jew, it still remains the demonic acceptance and support for murder, atrocities and other enormous evils.

There would be no war now if Hamas and company did not murder and commit atrocities inside of Israel on October 7. There would be far fewer casaulties of war in Gaza if Hamas did not use civilians as their human shields and if they did not brainwash children into their cult of hatred. Hamas built tunnels for themselves, and no bomb shelters above ground for civilians. Hamas wages war hiding beneath and behind children and other civilians. Hamas spent billions of wasted dollars enriching their leaders and building tunnels beneath ground to protect only themselves and their allies. Their extremely wealthy leaders live in luxury in Qatar, Turkey and elsewhere, far from the misery they helped unleash.

If Palestinian Arabs were in the Sudan, Yemen, DRC or anywhere in the world where there is real mass murder and genocide, raging war, and not a Jew in sight to blame, there would not be a single protest, concern or outcry anywhere. 

As it happens, there is mass murder and genocide in the Darfur region of the Sudan and other parts of the Sudan, in the DRC, in Yemen, Myanmar and elsewhere, and since there is no Jew to blame, no one cares.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Electronic Intifada, Environmental Destruction In Gaza

 Arguing that Israel is guilty of environmental destruction by the war it is waging in Gaza deliberately omits major facts.

Some under the guise of being a scientist or environmentalist try to use the environment as another way to demonize Israel. 

Hamas spent many years, and many billions of dollars to not only enrich their multi billionaire and multimillionaire leaders living in Qatar, Turkey and elsewhere, but also to build terror tunnels beneath ground in order to wage war.

This was not money spent on improving the welfare, health, safety and environment of Gaza.

The billions spent on tunnels beneath Gaza did not improve or help the environment in any way whatsoever. Instead, it harmed the environment, including by diverting precious resources, money and effort from creating a healthy environment. 

Gaza could have been turned into another Singapore.

A certain anti-Israel so called scientist accuses Israel of environmental crimes while defending Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza mass murdering, wounding, kidnapping, mutilating, destroying entire communities, burning, looting and more on October 7. As though mass destruction and murdering somehow benefited the environment. The murdering, mutilations, kidnappings, atrocities, mass destruction of agricultural communities, forests and more inside of Israel was in and of itself environmental destruction the anti-Israel scientist accuses Israel of committing.

If the anti-Israel scientist truly cared about the environment, he would not support those that murder, those that start wars, those that squander resources to enrich themselves and prepare for war.

There would not be war now in Gaza if Hamas did not start a war on October 7.

War is a terrible thing. War is terrible for children, the environment, for all civilians, for everyone. All wars are by their very nature incredibly destructive and harmful to not only people, but also to the environment.

Instead of supporting those that murder, commit atrocities and start wars, true scientists do not use their positions for propaganda. Instead, they would be staunch defenders of peace and reconciliation between people. Preventing wars and protecting the environment would come first. Not being propagandists inciting for more war, hate and violence. 

One scientist that uses his position to be a propagandist, lives in a country where rain forest continues to be destroyed. Where plastic  and other pollutants pour into the oceans in enormous amounts daily. A place where religious minorities are not treated equally or fairly. A place where indigenous people and their lands continue to be in great peril. 

It is easier to join the anti-Israel bandwagon than be a true impartial fighter and advocate for the environment, for children, for humanity at large.

No true defender of the environment defends or supports violent organizations that murder. 

Phony environmental propagandists using science as cover fail to mention the incredibly harmful, environmentally destructive wars taking place right now that are killing countless children and civilians and completely destroying the environment, including in the Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, Myanmar, Ukraine, North Nigeria, gang wars in Haiti and many more places beset by violence, war and terror. 

If there is not Israel to demonize, countless many that claim to care about the environment prove that they do not.

Electronic Intifada, Women, Children, October 7 Denial

 If only 100th of the energy used to deny, deflect, defend or cover up the mass atrocities committed on October 7, including the crimes of sexual violence, were spent on a concerted, objective effort to actually speak to survivors and witnesses that were actually there. 

What is indisputable is that mass murder took place. Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza themselves filmed many of their murders, their massacres, their kidnappings, their desecration of bodies, bodies they set on fire, shooting people at point blank range, stabbings, mutilations, and other atrocities. 

The anti-Israel crowd seizes on the lack of sexual abuse survivors as one of their defenses to disprove that sexual abuse and rape occurred on October 7 against people in Israel, knowing full well that almost every victim of these crimes was also murdered. 

It does not take much leap to understand that people that murder defenseless people, including babies, children, defenseless men and woman including the very old, are perfectly capable of horrific acts of sexual abuse, rape and mutilation.

Raping, sexually abusing and then murdering does not erase any one of these horrific crimes. Murdering does not erase evidence.

 There is enormous forensic evidence obtained from those murdered on October 7. 

As it turns out, there are survivors and witnesses to the sexual abuse, rapes, murders and mutilation.  

However, even if there are no witnesses or survivors, this is not evidence or proof that rape and sexual abuse did not take place against the murdered. 

If murdering the people that are raped, sexually abused and mutilated, means getting away with these crimes, then there is no hope left for humanity.

It is beyond obscene to argue that rape and sexual abuse did not occur because there are are dead bodies and no live survivors or witnesses.

Again, murdering does not erase evidence. Murdering does not close the books on crimes that occured against the murdered prior to their being murdered, including crimes of sexual abuse, rape, mutilation and torture.

Also, accusing the people that handled the dead bodies to deflect away from the murderers and their crimes is beyond reprehensible. 

As gruesome as it seems, dead bodies provide evidence of what happened to the murdered when they were still alive, including how they were murdered and what abuse they endured while still alive.

Only in a demented, twisted world would someone erase crimes of sexual abuse, rape, mutilation and torture based on the argument there are only corpses and no living survivors or witnesses.

If not for October 7, there would not be war now in Gaza. Hamas and company murdered, kidnapped, wounded, mutilated, committed all kinds of atrocities against thousands of defenseless people inside of Israel, starting a war. 

Murder and war are not the same. Mass murdering, kidnapping and committing other atrocities on October 7 started a war. The only way for children and civilians to not be harmed by war is to not start wars.

The people of Gaza suffer in that Hamas and Islamic Jihad wages war from a densely populated area using civilians as their human shields to hide behind and beneath.

Someone that truly cares about the children and civilians of Gaza does not have to like Israel. But they certainly would not defend, deflect or deny October 7. They would hold Hamas responsible for starting a war in densely populated Gaza. They would not defend Hamas terror tunnels built beneath ground to protect Hamas and Islamic Jihad, while not a single bomb shelter was built above ground to protect civilians. They would not hold Hamas blameless for brainwashing children to hate and for using children and other civilians as their human shields. 

They would find it unacceptable that to this day, there are helpless people kidnapped from Israel, including young women, a baby and toddler, people of all ages, kept hostage in Gaza.

Instead, they give cover to murderers, rapists, kidnappers, mutilators, by deflection, denial, excuses and more, harming the very people of Gaza they pretend to care about.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Anti-Israel Crowd's Disregard And Exploitation Of Children

Millions of children are at great risk across the world from wars, gang violence, religious violence and intolerance, malnutrition, starvation, extreme poverty, environmental degradation, disease and more, with few to no voices raised, few to no concerns cast, as long as there is no Israel to blame. 

The concern the anti-Israel crowd has for children completely disappears if there is not Israel to blame.

Millions of children are being killed or harmed from war, religious violence and intolerance, child marriage, extreme poverty, destroyed and contaminated environments, war related famine, other abuse and far more in Yemen, Syria, DRC, Darfur region of the Sudan and other places in the Sudan, Myanmar, North Nigeria, Iraq, Haiti, Afghanistan, and many more places, with few to no protests on their behalf. Few to no outcries. Nothing almost always but silence. 

Hamas literally gets away with murder because millions validate murderers as long as they are killing Jews. 

The children of Gaza suffer from Hamas and company waging war using children and other civilians as their human shields. Hamas knowingly wages war from densely populated Gaza, hiding behind and beneath civilians, knowing that this will cause civilian casaulties.

The anti-Israel crowd blames Israel, but they are in fact the enablers of the murderers. 

The senseless deaths of children in Gaza rests on the shoulders of Hamas murderers and their supporters. Hamas murders civilians and children in Israel. They are the ones waging war using the children and civilians of Gaza as their human shields to hide behind and beneath in their multi billion dollar tunnels, while having built not a single bomb shelter above ground to protect civilians.

The anti-Israel could care less about children. They show this in their complete lack of concern for the millions of child victims of war, violence, religious intolerance, extreme poverty, war related famine and disease, child marriage, and far more. They only care about children when they see an opportunity to exploit child suffering in order to demonize Israel.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Defending Murder Under The Guise Of Resistance Or Intifada

 The doors of hell are opened when murder ceases to be taboo. 

There are no exceptions for murder. Murder is never legitimate. It is never resistance. It is never justified, no matter the grievance, real or imagined.

War and murder are not the same. Those that attempt to equate the two and put them on equal moral footing do so only to rally behind the murderers they support. 

War is an evil, one of the worst things people do to one another. But it is at times defensible. It is at times the only way that murderers can be stopped. War was the only way to stop Hitler and his mass murdering followers. War was the only way to stop the genocidal Khmer rouge, the mass murderers in Rwanda, ISIS mass murderers, Hamas mass murderers and other mass murderers throughout history. 

Murder is never defensible. 

We live in an age and time in which many people believe their religion, their politics, their hatreds, gives them the right to murder. 

No matter how demented and demonic this is, there are millions of students and morally bankrupt professors, journalists, academics and others across the west and world at large, often Qatari funded, happily supporting murder as resistance. 

They may use the words intifada or resistance by any means to masquerade the horrors and evil of murder, but it is all one and the same. 

How many more innocent people will die before murderers and their defenders are not only repudiated but actively resisted?

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

When Murder Is No Longer Taboo; Israel, Palestine, War

 Murder must be taboo, without exception. 

Instead, the taboo has been lifted yet again to the detriment of the entire world. Without this most basic of taboos in place- thou shalt not murder- there is no longer glue holding humanity together.

Every argument used to justify murder against Israelis can be made against almost everyone else in the world. 

Argument one - you stole our lands, so we get to murder you. Billions of people live on lands stolen from native indigenous people. No one accepts indigenous people slaughtering nonnative Americans, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, just to name a few places, in order to get their lands back. But the anti-Israel Jew hating crowd makes an exception for murder when it comes to killing Jews in Israel.

Many in an effort to delegitimize Israeli Jews dismiss or lie about Jews and their thousands of years history and connection to the land of Israel. Archeology and history are cynically dismissed.  Facts are ignored or dismissed by many of those calling for the murder of Jews in Israel after the existence of Israel as a UN recognized nation for over 75 years by using the excuse that Jews are not indigenous. Or that Jews are not a real people, so therefore they are fair game for murder in their Jew hating demented eyes.

This means applying a standard to Israel alone that is not applied to a multitude of other countries and for billions of other people. Countless millions of people that justify the murder of Jews in Israel for not being native or indigenous are themselves nonindigenous people living on lands that are or were stolen and occupied. 

The right of return as the justification for murder ignores the ethnic cleansing of the Jews from Arab majority lands that now make up Israel's majority population, not only the ethnic cleansing and theft of lands and lives of Jews that lived in Europe up until the holocaust. No one grants Jews the right to murder to recover their stolen lands taken from them all over the middle east, Europe and North Africa. That ficticious right is granted by Jew haters only to those that seek to murder Jews.

Jews were massacred, murdered, persecuted and driven out from lands all over the middle east and North Africa, including Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Algeria, Lebanon and more.  Jews were massacred in Hebron in 1929 and in numerous other places in British controlled Palestine long before Israel was established as a state. 

These Jews from the middle east and Africa and their descendants form Israel's majority population. They and the rest of the Jews of Israel are told they are fair game for murder and must be driven out to create yet another Jew free Arab state. This is what from the river to the sea, Palestine must be free means- it means genocide. It means that the Arabs now called Palestinian have a right to a Jew free Arab state to replace Israel, according to the anti-Israel crowd - while it is the Jews of Israel that they call apartheid. Even though Israel's Arab population and non-Jewish population are over 20 per cent, with full and equal rights, it is tiny democratic Israel that is targeted in a world full of countries run by theocratic and political dictatorships where religious and ethnic minorities have no rights.

The right of return also ignores the full history of why Arabs fled from Israel in 1948 during a time of war when Israel was attacked from all sides by Arab armies and by Arab forces within Israel itself. 

Even if the untrue anti-Israel narrative is accepted that all of the Arabs that fled from Israel were driven out, then the question still must be asked: hundreds of millions of people have been driven from their lands, and no one grants the native people the right to murder those that now occupy the lands that were stolen and taken by force. Why is the right of return as grounds to murder applied only to Israel and nowhere else despite the fact that hundreds of millions of people have had their lands taken, including Jews, and do not have that right?

Billions of people live on lands occupied, conquered, stolen and taken by force from native people all over North Africa, the rest of Africa, the middle east, North America, South America, Australia, New Zealand, Asia and more. Lands stolen, occupied and colonized not only by Europeans, but also by Arabs and others. 

Why is murder not accepted as legitimate anywhere in the world except against Israelis, even though there is not a single accusation that can be made against the people of Israel that does not apply to hundreds of millions, even billions of people across the world?

Past injustices and grievances do not ever justify murder.

Murder is not resistance. The murder, atrocities and kidnappings Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza committed on October 7 in Israel against thousands of defenseless people, including babies, children, girls, women, and the very old, showed exactly where the lifting of the taboo against murder leads.

It leads to horrific suffering. It leads to war. There would be no war now in Gaza, no deaths to children in Gaza from war. 

Hamas and company wages war from densely populated areas, using children and civilians as human shields to hide behind and beneath. Hamas and company built tunnels beneath ground to protect themselves and not a single bomb shelter above ground. 

Attacking, wounding, kidnapping, mutilating, sexually abusing, murdering thousands of defenseless people inside of Israel on October 7 by Hamas and company led to the very predictable response that war would follow.

Hitler was a demented murderer. History shows the mass destruction, mass murdering, millions of other lives lost by war, and world war that resulted from his leadership. History keeps repeating itself. 

Those that condone, justify, support, defend, or support murder by the demonic use of denial, bring great harm not only to the defenseless victims of the murderers, but also to the societies of the murderers from the inevitable acts of war that follow mass murder.

To be clear, murder and war are not the same. Murder is never justified, whereas war is tragic, horrible, one of the worst things people can do to one another but is at times defensible.

War is what stopped Hitler. War is what stopped the genocidal Khmer Rouge. It is what stopped the genocide in Rwanda. War is what stopped genocidal ISIS. War is what genocidal Hamas forced upon Israel.

It is unfortunate that support for Palestine has more to do about hatred for Jews than concern about the lives of Palestinian Arabs. 

It is time for murder to stop being defended. It is time to call out the supporters and defenders of murderers for the evil they defend, and for their own evil by virtue of their being murderer's defenders.