Islamic jihadists are good at blaming others for the hells they create (including the wars or killings in Yemen, North Nigeria, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Somalia, South Philippines, South Thailand, Kashmir, Europe and many other places). The rulers of Gaza are no exception. Fortunately for them, they have the planet's most hated group to blame. This allows them to continue siphoning off money and funds to pursue their jihad in Gaza, luxury homes and properties in places like Qatar, all the while ensuring that Gaza has no future. They can send brainwashed Gazans to the border, knowing that the more they direct hatred towards the Jews, all eyes are deflected from them and their corruption and violence.
This does not excuse Israel from doing everything it can to not fall into the Islamic jihadist trap that seeks maximum civilian causalities on all sides. Israel must always take the moral high ground, and not descend into the gutter with the Islamic jihadist political and religious leaders that see human beings as completely disposable. They eagerly send other people to their deaths, or to a lifetime of disability and painful wounds, never reserving this for themselves.
To the left or progressive supporters of the Islamic jihadists, if your anger was real, if your tears were not crocodile, then you would demand that the Islamic jihadists stop treating human beings as useless, disposable canon fodder. You would stop making excuses or justifying everything the Islamic jihadists do. You are the enablers that keep the Islamic jihadists emboldened.
You say Gaza is the concentration camp of Israel's making - as you believe, or as you pretend to believe - in your continued effort to free Hamas and the Islamic jihadists of all responsibility. If Gaza is indeed a concentration camp, then it is the concentration camp of Hamas and Islamic Jihad's making.
In the universe of the Islamist jihadists and their Jew hating supporters on the left and right, Islamic jihadists can do no wrong as long as their attacks are against the Jews.
There are few good options or ways to achieve peace between Israelis and Palestinian Arabs. But there are options, and it can be done. A bad, really evil option that the Islamic jihadists, and that far too many Palestinian Arab children are being brainwashed to believe in - which is the destruction of Israel and the ethnic cleansing of its Jewish population - condemns the region to endless war and bloodshed. The apologists for the Islamic jihadists, consumed with hate for Jews or Israel, are the enablers that keep the Islamic jihadists emboldened. If Hamas fires rockets, the apologists can only see firecrackers. Suicide bombers are explained away and excused, as is the campaign to terrorize by stabbings and by running vehicles into civilians. The hundreds of thousands of Jews that were expelled and ethnically cleansed from Arab Muslim majority and other Muslim majority countries do not exist in their universe. If the apologists acknowledge any wrong doing on the side of Arab Muslims or other Muslims, it would mean their careers pandering, apologizing and inciting might end.
Hamas and the other jihadists do not hide their hatred and genocidal ambitions. It takes a special kind of blindness, or a person with a personal agenda, to excuse the violence and blood lust of the Islamic jihadists. Islamic jihadists are emboldened by their apologists. The apologists, despite their anger, feigned or not, have blood on their hands.
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