Sunday, July 29, 2018

Anne Hathaway - White Pandering Is Corrosive

     Anne Hathaway is a privileged white woman that more than likely knows nothing about the millions of white Americans that never have known or experienced an ounce of the privilege that she has. A young black woman was horrifically stabbed to death by a deranged white man. She uses this murder to advance her narrative. Basically, whites are privileged, insensitive and abusive, and blacks are helpless victims- blacks fear whites, whites do not fear blacks.
     Plenty of whites fear blacks, including many that went to integrated schools where they were nothing more than punching bags for black youths. There are blacks born with silvers spoons in their mouths. There are also many whites and blacks that never caught a break in their lives. Many whites and blacks are mean, cruel, abusive, insensitive, or the opposite. Color does not define who people are.
       For the thousands of innocent black and white youth murdered by blacks, there will be no Anne Hathaway to cry over their shortened lives. Black on black crime, black on white crime mean nothing to people that can only empathize with tragedy if it suits their political or religious agendas. 
       White pandering is corrosive. It infantilizes people. It keeps people dumbed and down, and ensures they never assume responsibility for their lives. It enables black racists to continue their downward spiral agenda. It assists hate in growing. It victimizes white and blacks and everyone else. The white panderers are often too self righteous to ever see their harm. 
        A grown white man related the story of how he was beaten up by black kids while growing up. His parents never had his back because they believe blacks are incapable of doing anything wrong and that blacks cannot be anything more than victims. When people start caring about all victims of violence, not just the ones that suit their fancy, there will be progress.

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