Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Ex-Muslim Somali Accused Of Being Sell Out Neocolonialist

      A Somali that chose to no longer follow Islam has been accused of being a neocolonialist sell out. Putting aside that free will and freedom of religion includes the right to reject and criticize religion, let us address who are neocolonialists. Arab Muslims and other Muslims were imperialistic and ruthless just like Christian Europeans. Both enslaved millions of black Africans. Both committed ethnic cleansing and genocide. Both invaded and colonized other lands. Both violently subjugated the people of different religions.The fact that Christianity and Islam also had voluntary conversions does not erase the fact that many conversions were forced. Fortunately, conversion by the sword no longer exists in Christianity.
      To this day, religious minorities in many Islamic majority places are relegated to second class status at best.  Enslavement, rape and murder simply for not being Muslim has not ceased to exist. Conversion by the sword and the violent expansion of Islam by jihad is a nightmare that continues.
      Leaving Islam or any religion is a personal decision. Free people must never be denied this right.

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