The lack of accountability in far too much of the nonprofit world has meant decades of inefficiency, ineffectiveness and harm. This is especially true in the realm of unseen places and in services to voiceless populations.
Conservation, wildlife and animal related organizations are great at pointing out problems. Knowledge and expertise regarding problems and plights does not mean that the programs and services these organizations provide are effective and not harmful.
Regarding the efficacy of these nonprofits - scrutiny and accountability goes out the window, and they say and do whatever it is they want.
And so, they grow and become wealthier while the populations they are supposed to service diminish and suffer. The more there is suffering, the more these organizations capitalize on plights and problems and raise more money for themselves.
Raising awareness and pointing out problems and plights is not the same as concrete, effective action.
If for profit businesses operated the same way; good at talk, pointing out problems and raising awareness but weak at solutions and absent in efficacy, they would quickly go out of business.
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