Sunday, November 24, 2019

Will Plastic Bracelets And Jewelry Made From Ocean Plastic Save Oceans?

Buying plastic bracelets made from ocean trash may make people feel good, but does it have any impact on saving oceans from plastic trash?

Billions of people depend on plastic. Billions of people that depend on plastic live in places where there is no infrastructure to properly remove and dispose of plastic waste. Most plastic used cannot be recycled. Most plastic trash polluting oceans, rivers and lands cannot be recycled.

Will plastic bracelets made from ocean plastic stop the massive flow of plastic daily entering oceans and rivers by millions upon millions of pounds?  If people in developing countries, already made plastic dependent, had a way of properly disposing of their plastic, their plastic trash would not end up in oceans.

The political will, the economic will, the need to universalize proper waste management and disposal of plastic waste is nonexistent.

The tiny amount of plastic waste removed from oceans and rivers yearly in order to make plastic bracelets or other plastic jewelry does not come to close to equaling the amount of plastic waste pouring into oceans and rivers daily.

People should buy plastic products made from ocean trash because it makes them feel good. But if they think it is making a dent against plastic pollution, they are sadly mistaken.

What is needed is a massively funded employment project in which the manual labor needed to remove plastic waste from the environment is properly funded.

But even if plastic trash is removed from the environment, there has to be a place to properly dispose of it.

There must be a movement, no less important than the movement to address global climate change, in which people fight to ensure that proper waste management and waste disposal is made available to all of the billions of people made plastic dependent no matter where they live.

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