Monday, January 27, 2020

Why Dog Fighters And Animal Abusers Have Little To Fear

Crimes like domestic violence and drunk driving have anti drunk driving and anti domestic violence organizations and advocates fighting for an appropriate and widespread police response to those crimes.

When it comes to animal cruelty, no such advocacy exists. Instead, there are a number of animal organizations falling all over each other in their eagerness to falsely present themselves as the answer to animal cruelty.

Anti drunk driving and anti domestic violence organizations do not conduct their own investigations into those crimes. Instead, they fight for public law enforcement to respond appropriately and in a widespread manner. The same is not true when it comes to animal cruelty. A number of animal organizations investigate animal cruelty, which they get away with because the victims of those crimes; animals, are voiceless and cannot complain about how ineffective and often harmful are these investigations. Not only are animal organization investigations of animal cruelty hugely ineffective, and at times harmful, but they give law enforcement an excuse to continue doing little to nothing about animal cruelty. Likewise, token anti animal cruelty teams, even when provided police powers, whether fielded by a police department or by an animal organization, are also ineffective and do little more than provide larger law enforcement with an excuse to continue doing little to nothing about animal cruelty. Investigations of animal cruelty by animals organizations, when they lack police powers, which most often is the case, are most often worthless and far too frequently provide opportunities for animal abusers and dog fighters to move their animals elsewhere after getting paid a visit by humane investigators.

Anti domestic violence and anti drunk driving organizations provide the model of what should be done, and which animal organizations and animal advocates refuse to emulate. Victims of domestic violence and drunk driving would never tolerate the exploitation and poor response that voiceless animals subjected to animal cruelty must endure.

Imagine if drunk driving and domestic violence were treated the same way as animal cruelty. There would not be a widespread police response. Instead, the few times there would be a response, effective or not, would most often be limited to the few places where anti domestic violence and anti drunk driving organizations or police departments had token forces assigned to do the investigations. Calls to 911 would receive the same poor response calls regarding animal cruelty and dog fighting presently receive. In the absence of widespread police involvement, offenders would easily drive drunk or commit domestic violence knowing that they will rarely get arrested. All crimes, including animal cruelty, domestic violence, drunk driving and more, require police to be available at all locations, at all times, day or night, seven days a week. Mothers from an anti drunk driving organization are not out chasing down drunk drivers. It is expected that all of law enforcement must respond appropriately to domestic violence and drunk driving when encountering these crimes. No one accepts the enforcement of drunk driving and domestic violence to rest in the hands of private organizations or token police teams. When it comes to animal cruelty, because animals are voiceless, the complete opposite is allowed to happen.

Animal organizations have no business investigating or responding to animal cruelty. All they have done is made it possible for public law enforcement to dismiss and ignore, with very few exceptions, animal cruelty. Public law enforcement, with very few exceptions, has failed miserably to respond appropriately and in a widespread manner to animal cruelty and dog fighting.

A police Sgt. that investigated animal cruelty and dog fighting told a number of animal organizations in no uncertain terms that they were harming, not helping animals by their self serving often harmful investigations and failure to advocate for appropriate, widespread police responses. The organizations and a number of animal advocates were told that if they wanted to help, they should immediately stop conducting their own investigations and no longer accept muted, limited police responses to animal cruelty and dog fighting. They were practically begged to provide the critically important advocacy that was desperately needed and which still ceases to exist. They were told also that they could help police by assisting in the transport and housing of animals recovered from abusive situations if police departments, cities and other municipalities lacked sufficient resources to provide these services. Since none of this perpetuated the seductive lies that they were the ones stopping animal cruelty (which brings them a great deal of money from an unquestioning public), they refused to do anything.

None of this is new information. Decades ago this information was brought to the attention of a number of animal organizations, animal advocates, people in the media and others. Their failure to do anything speaks volumes about greed, selfishness, and exploitation.

Animal rescue, which often means nothing more than ensuring an animal in a shelter is not euthanized, has trivialized animal cruelty by equating real cruelty with humane euthanasia. This has been to the detriment of animals suffering from real animal cruelty.

The very people that should be at the forefront of advocacy to ensure animal cruelty is no longer exploited by animal organizations and ignored and ineffectively responded to by public law enforcement, instead turn a blind eye.

And so the situation remains in which dog fighters have greater chances of getting struck by lightning than ever getting arrested. Animal abusers are infrequently arrested, even though animal cruelty is an incredibly frequent, widespread and commonly occurring crime.

If animals were not voiceless and easy to exploit, none of the aforementioned would be happening.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

What Iran Has In Common With One Large USA City Police Dept.

One sure sign of corruption, incompetence, cronyism and abuse is when blame and responsibility are kept on lower levels, and leaders and high ranking officials remain unblemished and untouched.

The tragedy of the downed Ukrainian airplane and the efforts to cover it up should mean the end of the corrupt leaders that rule Iran. Instead, heads will fall on low levels, and the supreme being and his high level cohorts will continue in their corrupt and violent ways.

There is a major city police department in the United States. No matter the scandal, no matter the corruption, accountability never went higher than the lowest levels, including the lowest supervisory level. Stealing, robbing, and other criminal activity meant prison for a few police, and nothing for the high level officials who through their incompetence and failures helped pave the way for such scandals. Numbers game policing meant a blind eye as long as corrupt officers generated high numbers of arrests. Numbers game policing creates the proper environment for bad policing and incompetents to prosper right up the chain of command.

Because the big city in question has drama queens instead of true journalists - reporters, columnists and writers that seek the sensational or only that which fits their narrow minded worldview, be it liberal, conservative or otherwise - a mayor was able to harm a city, its police department and all of its agencies through years of cronyism and clout. Without a true independent and probing press, corruption that should never exist flourished. 

The city is burdened with many of the same unchanged reporters and columnists. 

Years will have to pass before all the clout heavy incompetents retire from the police department and other city agencies. 

Iran and the big city police department share this in common - no matter the scandal, no matter the abuse, heads will not role at the top. Connected, clout heavy leaders advance or remain in power if already at the top no matter what. They are never demoted, never brought down to size, and never held accountable.   

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Iran - Jihad, Martyrdom And The Bloodthirsty

The more conventional and/or nuclear weapons are united with the glorification of jihad, war, and martyrdom, the more there is harm to civilian populations.

Iran and all of its proxy armies, including Hezbollah, are not the face of resistance. They are the face of the continuation of war, violence, and stupid notions of jihad and martyrdom from the 7th century that are suicidal in the present age. 

The arguments against the west, U.S., Israel and others, when used to justify jihad and martyrdom, emboldens the killers. 

The world needs peace makers. Not more of the same.

Iran vows vengeance for the death of its famous general. The general lived a life steeped in killing. Many Americans, Iraqis, Iranians and others were killed, or are permanently scarred, wounded and disabled because of this general. He gloried in jihad and death.

 Whether the Americans should have killed him or not is a different matter. What is clear is that more innocent people will die from the death of this jihadist that spent a lifetime steeped in killing. He lived by the sword and died by the sword. Maybe it would have been better if he had to face old age like most of the rest of us, with all the diseases, frailties, ailments and pains that entails.

Allah, God, a higher power above, does not welcome the bloodthirsty.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Best Way To Remove Plastic Trash From Coasts, Mangroves, Forests And Elsewhere Is Missing

The best way to remove plastic trash from coastlines, mangroves and many other areas is through employed manual labor. Few people in developing countries, the source of a great amount of plastic pollution, can afford to be volunteers. People need work and the environment needs to be cleaned. '

There are no technologies or volunteer efforts that can achieve anywhere near what employed people can achieve in removing plastic trash, especially in developing countries. 

Fighting poverty and plastic pollution by making employment an integral component of removing plastic pollution from the environment is critically important. Unfortunately, this continues to be virtually nonexistent.

Billions Of People Plastic Dependent And Why Plastic Pollution Worsens

There is a massive failure to properly dispose of plastic waste in many developing countries. People in far too many places openly burn or dump their plastic waste. Proper waste disposal is critically missing from much of the world. 

Until, and unless this is addressed, plastic pollution will keep pouring into rivers, oceans, mangroves, and elsewhere. Plastic trash that is openly burned will continue contaminating the environment and harming people and animals.

The small  number of places that properly dispose of their plastic trash in many developing nations are far outnumbered by the many cities, municipalities and elsewhere that openly burn or openly dump their plastic trash. 

The massive failure to properly dispose of plastic trash in the developing world - home to billions that use plastic daily - is almost completely ignored.  

The absence of proper waste management ensures the plastic pollution nightmare continues. 

Recycling has become an excuse to continue ignoring this enormous failure, even though recycling in and of itself has failed. Furthermore, most plastic trash, even if there were 100 percent efficient recycling, cannot be recycled.

Recycling efforts, plastic straw bans, beach cleanups and everything else must not obscure the fact that billions of people in developing countries are as plastic dependent and plastic addicted as are people in the developed world, but completely lack ways to properly dispose of their plastic trash.

Millions of pounds of plastic trash pours into oceans and rivers daily, adding to the trillions of pounds already in the oceans. There is little chance, despite all the existing combined efforts and technologies, that all but small amounts of it will be recovered in the absence of proper waste management.

Proper waste management worldwide must become the goal. 

As long as billions of people in the developing world are as completely dependent on plastic as are people in the developed world, but lack proper waste disposal, the plastic pollution nightmare will continue and worsen.