The tragedy of the downed Ukrainian airplane and the efforts to cover it up should mean the end of the corrupt leaders that rule Iran. Instead, heads will fall on low levels, and the supreme being and his high level cohorts will continue in their corrupt and violent ways.
There is a major city police department in the United States. No matter the scandal, no matter the corruption, accountability never went higher than the lowest levels, including the lowest supervisory level. Stealing, robbing, and other criminal activity meant prison for a few police, and nothing for the high level officials who through their incompetence and failures helped pave the way for such scandals. Numbers game policing meant a blind eye as long as corrupt officers generated high numbers of arrests. Numbers game policing creates the proper environment for bad policing and incompetents to prosper right up the chain of command.
Because the big city in question has drama queens instead of true journalists - reporters, columnists and writers that seek the sensational or only that which fits their narrow minded worldview, be it liberal, conservative or otherwise - a mayor was able to harm a city, its police department and all of its agencies through years of cronyism and clout. Without a true independent and probing press, corruption that should never exist flourished.
The city is burdened with many of the same unchanged reporters and columnists.
Years will have to pass before all the clout heavy incompetents retire from the police department and other city agencies.
Iran and the big city police department share this in common - no matter the scandal, no matter the abuse, heads will not role at the top. Connected, clout heavy leaders advance or remain in power if already at the top no matter what. They are never demoted, never brought down to size, and never held accountable.
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