Thursday, April 30, 2020

Why Dog Fighters And Animal Abusers Are Rarely Arrested

Violent crimes can happen any time, any place. Only public law enforcement is available 24 hours a day most everywhere to respond. No one else is as capable of responding to crimes in progress.

Crimes in progress, especially violent crimes, must receive an appropriate, timely response.

If domestic violence, for example, is not responded to by public law enforcement, and if responding to domestic violence is left in the hands of special teams and private nonprofit organizations, there will be an explosion of domestic violence. If police do not respond appropriately to in progress domestic violence calls and if the public relies upon private organizations and special teams to do investigations, practically every domestic violence offender will never get arrested and the crime will grow exponentially.

This is how it is when it comes to dog fighting and animal cruelty. When these crimes are in progress, the public law enforcement response is poor, with few exceptions. The acceptance that animal cruelty and dog fighting can be investigated after the fact while accepting a poor response when the crimes are in progress means almost all animal cruelty and dog fighting offenders never get arrested.

Victims of violent crimes, including animal cruelty and dog fighting, cannot wait for special police teams or animal organization humane investigators to respond.

Dog fighting and animal cruelty are poorly responded to when in progress, and rarely responded to appropriately when on viewed by public law enforcement. If violent crimes are not responded to properly when in progress, and if they are ignored when police on view these crimes, then the crimes grow unchecked.

Some make the argument that police have more important things to worry about than animal cruelty and dog fighting. Police are supposed to respond to crime. Ignoring an entire category of crime, and a violent one at that such as dog fighting and animal cruelty, is harmful in a multiplicity of ways. Poor enforcement of crimes against animals is harmful for the animals that are made to suffer, for the children that become immune to cruelty by watching or committing animal cruelty, and for society at large by allowing cruelty and criminal violence to go unchecked.

Responding to animal cruelty does not mean other crimes get ignored. How in progress calls are responded to depends on the nature and severity of the crimes that are occurring. When no priority is given to dog fighting and animal cruelty, violent offenders fight, abuse, beat, burn, mutilate, starve and torture animals. It is that much easier for them to take the next step and do the same to people.

The broken window theory of crime is very much in play, but too often is dismissed when the crimes that should be enforced are considered inconvenient.

It is often ineffective, even harmful, when animal abuse and dog fighting are investigated by special police teams or by humane investigators fielded by non profit animal organizations. Many are the times where animal abusers and dog fighters move their animals to another location after getting paid a visit by a humane investigator or another investigator.

What is needed is for public law enforcement at large to respond appropriately to 911 calls for animal cruelty and dog fighting, and to respond appropriately when on viewing animal cruelty and dog fighting. Every effort that diverts from this being achieved benefits animal abusers and dog fighters.

Most humane investigators do not have law enforcement powers, which makes their investigations toothless at best. Those that do have law enforcement powers - whether they are employed by private sector nonprofit organizations or are assigned by police departments to investigate animal cruelty -  do little more than give larger public law enforcement an excuse to continue doing little to nothing about animal cruelty and dog fighting. Token police teams assigned by a police department or by an animal organization to investigate animal cruelty are little more than public relations ploys that enable police departments and other public law enforcement to poorly respond to animal cruelty related crimes.

Humane investigators can play a role in helping animals. They can assist people that have animals that are not properly cared for in the many instances where animal care needs to be improved but does not rise to the level of actual animal cruelty or abuse. They must stop conducting criminal investigations they have no business conducting.

No animal organization has any business investigating animal cruelty. They have created a false impression that something meaningful is being done about animal cruelty and dog fighting. The more the public thinks they are the answer to animal cruelty, the more money pours their way in donations.

If animal organizations want to help, they must become advocates for police to respond appropriately and in a widespread manner to animal cruelty and dog fighting. They can also assist police departments in removing animals from crime scenes if needed and by providing shelter if needed for the animals until a judge decides if the seizure is justified. Because this does not keep the illusion going that certain animal organizations are the answer to animal cruelty, this does not happen.

The advocacy needed to ensure a proper police response to animal cruelty and dog fighting is virtually nonexistent. Victims of drunk driving and domestic violence are fortunate that the advocates that fight for proper police responses to those crimes are not the same as the advocates that claim to speak for abused animals.

Dog fighters continue to have little to fear. They know there are few in law enforcement that will do anything to stop them.

Dog fighters have a greater chance of getting struck by lightning than ever getting arrested for dog fighting. Few animals abusers are arrested despite animal cruelty being a common occurring widespread crime. Animal cruelty is an easy crime for police to enforce, if things ever change for the better, in that the physical evidence of the crime is most often visible and easy to document.

The 911 record of the police response to animal cruelty and dog fighting is public record. A number of so called animal advocates and animal organizations and so called investigative reporters refused to look at that record and see for themselves how often animals are abused, fought, mutilated, starved, beaten, tortured and so forth, with hardly ever receiving a timely or appropriate police response.

Children, teenagers and sadistic adults continue burning, starving, torturing, fighting, beating, and mutilating animals with rarely anything being done to stop them.

For decades animal organizations and animal advocates were begged to be advocates for animals by fighting for a proper police response to animal cruelty. Certain animal organizations were begged to stop conducting investigations. No anti domestic violence or anti drunk driving organization conducts their own criminal investigations. Instead, they advocate for police to respond broadly and appropriately to those crimes.

What is needed is for public law enforcement at large to respond appropriately to 911 calls for animal cruelty and dog fighting, and to respond appropriately when on viewing animal cruelty and dog fighting. Everything else, token anti animal abuse police teams, humane investigators, nonprofit animal organizations' anti cruelty investigations, and so forth, are only ineffective window dressing that maintains a dysfunctional status quo.

The priority for all crimes, animal cruelty, dog fighting, domestic violence, battery and so forth, is for a timely and appropriate police response when these crimes are in progress. Failing to respond appropriately to in progress crimes and crimes that are on viewed by law enforcement, including animal cruelty and dog fighting, means missing the most critically important opportunities for stopping these crimes.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Wall Street Divorced From Reality

No one knows yet where the coronavirus pandemic will lead. The stock market acts like all is well and the pandemic is nothing but a minor crisis. Maybe the pandemic will prove to be no worse than a bad flu outbreak. No one knows yet. Having made the stock market the only game in town means propping it up no matter what. Perhaps the next step to keep the rally going will be for the federal government to print trillions of more dollars and outright buy stocks.

The coronavirus pandemic may prove far more damaging to human health and world economies than stock markets indicate. Hopefully not, but only time will tell the true story. Not stock markets.

In developing countries, lockdowns mean food shortages. Millions of impoverished people in developing countries are going hungry from the food shortages caused by lockdowns. The world's religious, political and economic structures are not strong enough to prevent or withstand pandemics, droughts, wars and all the human caused environmental destruction.

The state of the world is not reflected in stock markets. The real measures of wealth, including healthy environments, biodiversity, religious and political stability and freedom, are declining. The stock market rising in the middle of a pandemic is yet another indicator of how divorced it is from reality.

Friday, April 24, 2020

A Plan To End Social Media's Hate Dissemination And Free Speech Clampdown

No major media outlet gives hate, bigotry and violence the platform that social media corporations provide. Newspapers, television, cable and other media outlets are responsible for content and cannot use the excuse that they are mere platforms. 

The screening that social media corporations now say they apply - their anemic response to having become the world's greediest disseminators of hate and bigotry - is arbitrary and inadequate. It also fails to distinguish between legitimate criticism and hate dissemination. 

A tax should be levied on these corporations. The money collected should be used to fund an independent organization beholden to no one that will be responsible for reviewing and removing hate, bigotry and incitement to violence. Social media corporations must cease having the authority for self policing. The fox must not guard the henhouse. 

At the very least, and until this is put in place, social media corporations should be compelled to provide access to actual people that do the screening and reviewing. People that can be reached by a toll free number and by computer. Until now, it is impossible to contact an actual person at these social media giants to receive an explanation as to why certain hate content is not removed. Also, why certain content is arbitrarily removed because someone complains, but the actual content that was removed provides legitimate criticism that has nothing to do with hate, bigotry and violence. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Religion's Prison

There is a world of difference between demonizing people because of their religion or ethnicity, which is wrong, and criticizing their religion itself, which is not.  A basic human right, written into law in the United States, is freedom of religion. People in the United States can reject religion, change religions, and criticize religion without fear of punishment or death.

There is no punishment for apostasy in free societies.

There is no punishment for blasphemy in free societies.

Free people are not held in bondage by apostasy and blasphemy laws.

Criticizing and mocking a religion may be distasteful, but it is a basic human right.

There are people on YouTube that mock a religion. These people do not call for hate or violence towards the practicers of that religion. It is their right to try and convert, change, or dissuade people. Religion exists in the world of ideas. People have the right to challenge ideas, ideologies and religious beliefs. Without that right, we remain stuck in the most violent years of the middle ages.Yet they face censorship and threats of violence.

Religion can be a force for good, or it can be a force for evil. When religion encourages violence, hate, and bigotry, then it is a force for evil. When religion controls all aspects of  a person's life, it is then a harmful cult.

There are those that do not understand the difference between bigotry and hate for the people that follow a religion, and criticizing the religion that they follow. The former is wrong and must be resisted. The latter is a basic human right.

Religion and faith are not necessarily one and the same. Religion is too often used to brainwash people and make them sheeplike followers.

It is unfortunate and wrong when children from any religion are raised divorced from the secular world, without exposure to the rich wealth of ideas that mankind has discovered over the centuries,

As long as religious imperialism runs rampant, as long as people must fear for their lives from people that shove their beliefs violently down the throats of others, as long as blasphemy and apostasy are crimes worthy of death or another punishment, this world will be held in bondage.

Not by coronavirus, but by a religious ideology that free people are increasingly told to never challenge.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Cronavirus Lessons And The Food Crisis That Is Developing

The coronavirus pandemic shows how vulnerable we are to forces out of our control.
We have been reckless and cruel in our treatment of each other and of how we treat this planet.
Although it is not conclusive yet, there is a good chance this virus originated from the eating of an animal that never should have been eaten. When this pandemic ends, we must move aggressively to end the trade in wildlife and the consumption of wildlife. This practice, eating wildlife, even if it is proven to not be the cause of coronavirus, has already caused the introduction of other diseases into the human population. The more wildlife and nature are destroyed, the greater the risks to mankind.

Business as usual has been that humans can overpopulate, wage war, promote hatred and bigotry, ignore the environment, and do whatever we want with reckless abandonment. Our oceans are depleted and turning into garbage pits filled with plastic and other waste, along with radioactive and other toxic materials.

Land usage has been poorly planned and reckless. This includes, to mention just one thing, the shallow, unproductive concept of beauty; green lawns that require lots of water, pesticides and other chemicals, along with fertilizers that destroy oceans and create algae blooms. This has resulted in huge losses of biodiversity and the introduction into the environment of enormous amounts of poisons and ocean destroying fertilizers. 

Imagine if people moved away from the green lawn concept that provides little benefit to the environment compared to the enormous harm that is caused by green lawn upkeep, and grow instead trees and native plants that attract wildlife and increase biodiversity. Imagine if people use their land  to also grow fruit trees, moringa trees in suitable habitats, and plants that can provide food so that there is greater self sufficiency on ourselves and less reliance on others for basic necessities.

The lockdowns and shutdowns throughout much of the world now exposes millions to hunger and disease from the lack of food and the lack of proper food. Enormous numbers of people live in dire poverty. The more the global economy falters, hundreds of millions of people are more exposed to malnutrition, starvation and disease.

Millions of people in a number of developing countries face disease and death from food shortages caused by the coronavirus pandemic. This is a crisis that is not being addressed.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Houthi Leader In Yemen Makes Case For Israel

A Houthi Yemeni political and religious leader gave a sermon that Muslims must unite and wage jihad against the Jews.

He said, ..."The way the Muslims will be united is by going after the Jew and waging jihad. Enmity towards Jews is the number one priority for Muslims. Tell me who is your enemy....tell me who your enemy is and I will tell you who you are. If the Jews are your number one enemy, then you are a believer (Muslim). if they are not your enemy, then that changes what you are. Allah says you shall find the people strongest in enmity towards the believers to be the Jews. Anyone who sees the Jews as friends cannot consider himself to be a believer. The virus that has spread all over the world, the Jews are behind it......"

Meanwhile, Jew free Yemen is being torn apart from war, starvation, and disease. Most Yemeni Jews long ago left Yemen for Israel, where they are now safe from the vitriolic anti-semitism far too pervasive in Yemen and in many other Islamic nations.

Instead of addressing and facing the serious problems mankind faces, it is easier to focus only on Israel and the Jew.  Many on the left, right, and from Christian, Muslim and other backgrounds find it easier to focus on the Jew and Israel than on their own lives and countries.

Many in the anti-Israel crowd on the left ignore or promote the Jew hatred that fuels the conflict. They deliberately and purposefully ignore the elephant in the room of anti-semitism. Some will argue that because Arabs are also semites, they cannot be anti-semites if they hate Jews. But anti-semite means specifically hatred towards Jews.

No matter how often in words and actions the many enemies of Israel celebrate the murder of Jews and revel in anti-Jewish hatred and stereotypes, the anti-Israel crowd makes sure this is ignored or perpetuated.

It is not necessary to support the government of Israel. It is not wrong to criticize the government of Israel and its actions. But this is different from the agenda that seeks not a change in government, but the complete destruction of the nation.

Most of Israel's population originated from the middle east and North Africa. They can never return to countries such as Iraq,Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Algeria, Afghanistan, Iran and more.

The goal of destroying Israel, fueled by hatred for Jews, must not continue to be ignored if this conflict is to end.

Meanwhile, the Yemeni leader spewing hatred from a pulpit to a crowd makes it clear why there must be an Israel, and why the Jews of Israel that originated from Yemen have nowhere to go if their one small state of Israel is destroyed. Their backs are to the wall.

The Yemeni leader also said that the coronavirus has not afflicted Yemen or Gaza. Unfortunately, people will learn the hard way that the disease knows no borders. Neither does hate.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Ayatollah Khamenei Makes Case For Moral Superiority Of The West

A number of political and religious leaders are using the coronavirus to attack those they despise. Ayatollah Khamenei is no exception.

Recently, Ayatollah Khamenei criticized the west's response to the coronavirus.

Commenting on how he believes people and governments in the west have failed to respond appropriately to the coronavirus, he remarked,  "This is, of course, the natural and logical outcome of the philosophy that rules western civilization, which is the philosophy of individualism, materialism, and mostly, atheism......there is a spirit of savagery in the west, and that this spirit does not contradict the west's neat and perfumed appearance."

There are many flaws and deficiencies in the west, as there are in all societies. But what the ayatollah fails to understand is that people in the west have a thing called freedom. This includes the freedom to choose or reject, and not be forced to follow the religious dictates of political and religious leaders.

People in the west can choose to be materialistic or reject materialism. It would be better if there was far less materialism everywhere. But this is a decision individuals get to make for themselves in the west.

People in the west have religious freedom, which includes the right to reject, criticize and to change religions. Being an atheist is not a crime in the west. If anything, there are probably more hidden atheists in theocratic societies like Iran that shove religion down people's throats. Individuals in the west are not forced to bend to the will of a theocrat or his cronies, many of whom are wealthy and corrupt.

In the west, people are allowed to think for themselves. They do not need an old man or anyone telling them how to live, dress, practice religion and what to believe. People do not go to jail for rejecting or criticizing their religious and political leaders. It is not a crime to reject or criticize religion. People have freedom in the west. They are not slaves to the religious beliefs of another.

The west is too materialistic and it is flawed. But so is much of the rest of the world. At least in the west, the government does not shove religion down the throats of others.

Nuclear weapons and environmental destruction are two of the greatest threats to human survival. Iran, instead of lessening either of these threats, instead promotes religious fanaticism and violent jihad.

Regarding savagery; martyrdom, suicide bombings, punishing and murdering non believers, and violent jihad are about as savage as a society can get.

Friday, April 10, 2020

The Left's Islamic Jihadist Love Affair

There are those on the left that argue when the U.S. or its allies wage war, civilians unintentionally killed or harmed do not care about intentions. It does not matter to them that one side intentionally kills civilians or that the other side does so unintentionally. Although this is true, it does not mean there is a moral equivalency between sides. The Nazis were evil. So were the Japanese soldiers during WW2. They deliberately murdered civilians. If the United States and allies did not go to war, the Nazi and Japanese killing spree would not have ended.

As long as the murdering of civilians is done by nonwhites or by Islamic jihadists during today's time, and as long as the murderers portray themselves as an anti-American leftist movement or as an Islamist movement, the left jumps in bed with them.

The Islamic jihadists that many leftists eagerly support want the violent expansion of their religion. They want to kill. They want to die in the process of killing because they think it makes them martyrs.

It is not necessary to support or defend American actions or those of their allies in order to be able to condemn the violence and corruption of Islamic jihadists and of anti-west regimes that are corrupt and brutal. The left cannot do this. Their morality is selective and tied to their ideology. Their support of brutal, corrupt regimes and of violent, blood thirsty so called resistance movements and people have caused untold harm. Many so called leftists are too self righteous, too enamored of themselves to see they are no different than the fascists they claim to oppose.

Stock Markets Are Not Measures Of Real Wealth

The stock market has risen a lot since its recent bottom. There are those that say that this is because the stock market is a forward thinking entity that has already priced in the coronavirus pandemic.

The stock market is not a forward thinking entity. It has no brain, no conscience, no ability to predict or determine the future. People try to turn it into something it is not. Even if the stock market was a thinking being, it still could not predict the future or be more predictive of the future than anyone else.

The United States gave away much of its manufacturing and industrial base to China in exchange for cheap labor, fewer environmental and workplace regulations. In exchange, much of the United States has become a low wage service economy where many struggle financially, and where a small number of people are fabulously wealthy. The stock market is completely divorced from this reality and the economic realities of most people's lives.

The stock market creates the illusion of wealth. Is the world really richer if the stock market doubles or triples from here? Is there less environmental damage? More opportunity for average workers? Less nuclear weapons proliferation? Less war, hate or violent religious fanaticism? The dependency on rising stock markets is an unhealthy addiction. Not just for the people with gambling addictions that lose everything in the casino type aspects of the stock market when it is played short term, but also for the health of the world's environment - the true measure of wealth- that gets sacrificed at the altar of ensuring the stock market keeps rising.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Brother Nathanael: Jew Bashing For Attention, Money, Fame And Fortune

Brother Nathanael found the easy way to get attention, followers, fame, fortune and easy money.

It is a tried and true formula. Go after a scapegoat - in this case the Jew- and validate the reasons for why the scapegoat is despised, even though the reasons have no basis in reality.

Make sure to reinforce the ugliest generalizations and stereotypes about Jews that can be found, and be sure to create new ones.

And then, watch as weak minded people eager to hate and have a target to blame for everything enthusiastically embrace the Jew hater spreading the message. As long as the Jew hater is going after the Jew, history teaches that any unhinged psychopath - Hitler comes to mind - will get a following. Where that led - WW2, the holocaust, mass murder throughout Europe, over 50 million killed, millions permanently crippled, disabled and maimed, Europe in ruins - was not enough to dissuade people to reject anti semitism. Instead, this sickness is still widely embraced.

When scapegoats are despised and persecuted, then it is the Jews' fault for why they are persecuted in the eyes of the Jew hater. Which ignores the simple fact that throughout human history, the demonizing and persecution of groups that are different from the majority is far too common. It is a human weakness to seek scapegoats and weaker targets to despise and persecute.

There is no one size fits all Jew. There is no Jewish conspiracy to rule the world. Jews are individuals with no two exactly alike just like everyone else in the world. There are religious Jews, secular Jews, conservative Jews, liberal Jews, good Jews, bad Jews, athletic Jews, couch potato Jews, open minded Jews, close minded Jews, Jews of every political spectrum and so on. There are Jews that are good, bad, evil, righteous, and everything in between; same as with the peoples of other religions.
It is ridiculous that this even has to be said and that people have not evolved beyond their primitive hatreds.

When a person that happens to be a Jew does something bad, Jew haters use that to validate their hatred. They want to hate Jews, and seize any opportunity to broadly attack and condemn all Jews. A lot of blood has been shed because of people that use any excuse, any opportunity, to demonize and attack all Jews.

Judaism was already around for thousands of years before the rise of Christianity, and even longer before the rise of Islam. Judaism does not teach hate, bigotry, domination, superiority, violence, intolerance or the mistreatment of others. Judaism stresses the importance of good works toward all fellow human beings.

Challenging, criticizing or rejecting the theology of  Judaism or of any religion is different than demonizing the people born to that religion or that are part of that religion. Jew haters like to create demonic portrayals of Jews as people, and of Judaism as a religion. It is impossible or near impossible to engage them in a rational discussion because the conversation is based on their delusions, not on reality.

Spreading and perpetuating lies and stereotypes about Jews, especially when done under the pretense of being a Christian or follower of Jesus, is pure evil. Pursuing an agenda of hate towards Jews while pretending be Christian is antithetical to everything Jesus stood for. Jesus commanded, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Is that what the Jew haters of the world do, even when they pretend to be Christians?  No, they want people to hate and harm Jews to fulfill their own sick, sadistic and pathological desires. Nowhere did Jesus, a Jew himself, command to hate, persecute, demonize, dehumanize and make the lives of Jews and other non Christians a living hell. Why this has been disregarded by so many for so long speaks to the weakness, cruelty and evil that so many easily succumb to.

Judaism is a diverse religion. There are many different ways it is followed and practiced.  There are reform, conservative, traditional, reconstructionist, orthodox Judaism and more. Within orthodox Judaism there is wide range of practices and beliefs. There are Jews that choose not to practice the religion, but identify themselves as Jews. There is no such thing as a one size fits all Judaism, just as Jews as people are not one monolithic entity.

The Jewish people themselves come from a variety of diverse backgrounds, and bring to Judaism a rich mosaic of different cultures and ways of life. The Jewish people, many of whom now live in Israel, come from all corners of the world, including Ethiopia, Yemen, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Iran, Afghanistan, India, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Mexico, Tunisia, Turkey, pre Israel Palestine, Brazil, Argentina, along with many countries across Europe and other parts of the world.

Judaism teaches that people should act towards others as they want others to act towards them. This is a straightforward code of conduct that unfortunately far too few people of any religion follow. Jews believe in one God, a concept that predates other monotheistic religions, including Islam, by thousands of year. Charity, good works, and the ethical treatment of all people, Jew and non Jew alike, are basic tenets of Judaism.

Unfortunately, there are people that want to hate. They want a scapegoat. They want someone to demonize. They want an enemy to despise. They fail to see that this reflects on their weakness, not on the Jew that they want to despise.

When a Jew, perhaps out of hatred for his mother, father, the religious school where he went, or something else, turns into a Jew hating Jew, the Jew haters that are not Jewish mistakingly and foolishly believe they have found someone from the inside revealing the truth about Jews.

Here is the real Jew news. Jews are independent people with diverse beliefs, thoughts and behaviors. There is no one size fits all Jew, not individually, religiously, politically or culturally.

When a man tells the world how Jews think and act, as though Jews are a monolithic entity, the person that believes what is being said is true is just as weak minded as the person making the fabrications.

Criticizing religion is legitimate. Dehumanizing and demonizing the followers of a religion is not.

When someone preaches and teaches hate, and uses religion to validate that hate, it is not something Godly or good. It is pure evil.

What is most pathetic about the preachers and teachers of hate is not only their pathological hatred, but the untold numbers of people that believe and follow them.

Religious Leaders Using Coronavirus As Instrument Of Hate

When the coronavirus nightmare ends, every religious leader that blames the virus on another religion or group must be thoroughly discredited. Unfortunately, that will not happen. The coronavirus pandemic will end. Not so for hate, which will continue to find an audience.