Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Houthi Leader In Yemen Makes Case For Israel

A Houthi Yemeni political and religious leader gave a sermon that Muslims must unite and wage jihad against the Jews.

He said, ..."The way the Muslims will be united is by going after the Jew and waging jihad. Enmity towards Jews is the number one priority for Muslims. Tell me who is your enemy....tell me who your enemy is and I will tell you who you are. If the Jews are your number one enemy, then you are a believer (Muslim). if they are not your enemy, then that changes what you are. Allah says you shall find the people strongest in enmity towards the believers to be the Jews. Anyone who sees the Jews as friends cannot consider himself to be a believer. The virus that has spread all over the world, the Jews are behind it......"

Meanwhile, Jew free Yemen is being torn apart from war, starvation, and disease. Most Yemeni Jews long ago left Yemen for Israel, where they are now safe from the vitriolic anti-semitism far too pervasive in Yemen and in many other Islamic nations.

Instead of addressing and facing the serious problems mankind faces, it is easier to focus only on Israel and the Jew.  Many on the left, right, and from Christian, Muslim and other backgrounds find it easier to focus on the Jew and Israel than on their own lives and countries.

Many in the anti-Israel crowd on the left ignore or promote the Jew hatred that fuels the conflict. They deliberately and purposefully ignore the elephant in the room of anti-semitism. Some will argue that because Arabs are also semites, they cannot be anti-semites if they hate Jews. But anti-semite means specifically hatred towards Jews.

No matter how often in words and actions the many enemies of Israel celebrate the murder of Jews and revel in anti-Jewish hatred and stereotypes, the anti-Israel crowd makes sure this is ignored or perpetuated.

It is not necessary to support the government of Israel. It is not wrong to criticize the government of Israel and its actions. But this is different from the agenda that seeks not a change in government, but the complete destruction of the nation.

Most of Israel's population originated from the middle east and North Africa. They can never return to countries such as Iraq,Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Algeria, Afghanistan, Iran and more.

The goal of destroying Israel, fueled by hatred for Jews, must not continue to be ignored if this conflict is to end.

Meanwhile, the Yemeni leader spewing hatred from a pulpit to a crowd makes it clear why there must be an Israel, and why the Jews of Israel that originated from Yemen have nowhere to go if their one small state of Israel is destroyed. Their backs are to the wall.

The Yemeni leader also said that the coronavirus has not afflicted Yemen or Gaza. Unfortunately, people will learn the hard way that the disease knows no borders. Neither does hate.

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