Monday, February 1, 2021

Putin's Judo Instructor: Fall Guy Or Enriched Crony?

Putin's judo instructor announced that he is the one that owns the extravagant estate, not Putin. If this is true, it does not mean that Putin is any less corrupt. It means that Putin enriches not only himself, but also his cronies. If it is not true, and the judo instructor is serving his master by being the fall guy for Putin, then it means that Putin is unwilling to stand up for his own actions, and needs others to take the fall for him. Either way, it is not good. 

Putin can redeem himself. He can stop the police actions against unarmed protestors. He can release the thousands arrested on trumped up charges. He can turn his news networks, including RT, into real news channels, and stop them from disseminating propaganda and disinformation. He can reverse nuclear weapons proliferation. He can ensure there are fair and open elections. This, and so much more.

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