China appears to be a forward thinking nation capable of long term planning. When it comes to environmental concerns, and how to feed its enormous population, forward thinking goes out the window. The more China makes claims to the coral reef islands of the South China Sea, the more China destroys the islands and coral reefs of the South China Sea, militarizing islands, dredging and developing islands, the less there is food. It is a simple equation, destroy coral reefs and islands, the less there are fish and other marine life.
The Philippines must not abandon their territorial claims in the South China Sea. They must not be quiet while the South China Sea continues to be destroyed, ensuring less fish and food for the growing Philippine population and also for the growing Chinese population and of all the other nations that depend on the South China Sea.
There are times China acts aggressively in its self interests. This is not one of them. Destroying the coral reefs and islands that provide life to countless fish and invertebrates reduces the ability of nations to meet their insatiable demands for fish. People want fish, but destroying what fish want and need to survive means no fish and hunger.
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