Friday, June 25, 2021

Russell Brand On Gabor Mate's Demonizing Israel, It's A Beautiful.... Genocide

Gabor Mate does not live in Israel and never lived in Israel. Russell Brand uses Gabor Mate to communicate the disdain and contempt Russell Brand has for Israel. Gabor Mate is a leftist from a Jewish and holocaust background spewing propaganda and untruths that gives cover to Russell Brand, a non Jewish leftist that despises Israel but does not want to appear anti-Semitic. Like many anti Israel leftists living in the comfort of Canada or the United States, Gabor Mate waxes on endlessly about how terrible is Israel. The life Gabor Mate has lived in Canada is nothing like the experience of many Israelis that originated from lands across the middle east and Africa, where many were ethnically cleansed. These Jews and their descendants form the majority population of Israel. Their experience, and the experience of many Israelis is very different than that of a North American man living a priviledged, soft life. 

Gabor Mate is not the only man from a Jewish background safe in the comfort of North America that thinks his Jewishness or a connection to the holocaust provides a special license to condemn Israel. These people pontificate endlessly about how horrible is Israel, as though every other nation on the planet is without flaw, and as though Israel does not face real threats to its very existence. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Iran, the hundreds of thousands of missiles and rockets aimed at Israel from all sides, the incitement and daily effort to kill Israelis, the suicide bombers Hamas would once again send into Israel from Gaza if given half a chance, renders shallow the feigned anger and tears from the many leftists that despise Israel. The many people raped, tortured and slaughtered by brutal regimes and terrorist organizations are off the radar for these leftists whose concern for humanity does not reach beyond their demonize Israel obsession. Fascism, rape, brutality, torture, sexual enslavement, other enslavement, brainwashing children to be violent religious fanatics, and murder are perfectly fine to these leftists just as long as it has nothing to do with Israel or the west.

There is a huge difference between legitimate criticism of Israel and wanting Israel destroyed. Legitimate criticism of Israel does not give a pass to Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Iran and the others that are determined to destroy Israel. Those that want Israel destroyed demonize Israel and excuse or glorify its enemies. 

If the destroy Israel crowd gets what it wants - no Israel- then hundreds of thousands of lives, if not millions, will be senselessly lost. It will not only be Israelis that are slaughtered. Countless people will be killed and maimed on all sides. 

Gabor Mate's distorted narratives, demonization, inciting hate and untrue anti-Israel propaganda are not beautiful, as Russell Brand enthusiastically states. Demonizing Israel and seeking its destruction means genocide and nothing less.

Many North American and Australian leftists are perfectly comfortable living on lands stolen from native people, yet are quick to incorrectly condemn Israel for the very things that do form the nations on which these leftists live. These leftists are too soft and comfortable to leave these lands and return them to the original native peoples. Their concept of justice is always about actions that other people must take, not themselves. Hypocrisy is not part of their vocabulary.

Instead of the usual parade of priviledged leftists living in the comfort of North America and the west, Jewish or not, it is rare to see an actual interview with an Israeli that knows first hand the reality of being Jewish in one of the many middle east and African nations from where most Israelis descended and cannot return. Places like Iraq, Iran, Algeria, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Libya, Jordan and more. These Jews and their descendants know that their back is to the wall, and that if Israel is destroyed, they have nowhere to go. Unlike priviledged leftists living in safe places, they know that the calls for genocide coming from Hamas, Iran, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and others are real. 

The only way to end this long standing conflict is not by distorted narratives, inciting hatred, and demonization. It is by doing everything possible to get the different sides to accept the humanity and existence of the other, and to reject war and terror and instead embrace tolerance and mutual acceptance.


Thursday, June 24, 2021

The Goal To Destroy Israel Means Seeking Genocide And Nothing Less

Many Jew haters know that demonizing Israel is perfectly acceptable as long as their hatred of Jews is hidden behind the façade of being only anti Zionist or anti Israel. Seeking Israel's destruction, which means seeking genocide and the killing of millions of people on all sides, is not only politically correct in many circles, but also fashionable. 

There is an enormous difference between legitimate criticism of Israel and seeking the destruction of the nation of Israel and the ethnic cleansing of its Jewish population. Critizing and wanting to change a government is legitimate. Seeking the destruction of a nation means genocide and nothing less, no matter how much this goal is sugarcoated.

There is no excuse for the continued dissemination of the most virulent anti-Jewish, anti-Israel defamation to continue without a response. Social media corporations censor many things arbitrarily. When it comes to demonizing Jews and Israel, there is little to no censoring.

There are videos circulating on social media openly calling for the complete destruction of Israel, which means genocide and nothing less.  A lot of people want this genocide. They pretend that Israel is demonic, while the enemies of Israel, who openly proclaim their goal to murder Jews and do every thing they can to murder Jews, are the opposite of demonic. To a Jew hater, murdering Jews is not murder but instead an act of virtue. This but one feature of the very sick world in which we live. 

Demonization is the step taken before embarking on murder and genocide. Humankind did not learn from history. Instead, we keep going down the same dark roads. Pathological Jew hate does not end with the murder of Jews alone. When Hitler was finished with his killing spree, over 50 million people were killed. When people that pathologically hate are given the weapons to act on their hate, many lives are destroyed. This happened in Rwanda, in Cambodia, in Congo, the former Yugoslavia and in other places. Hatred, demonization and then genocide occurred against Yazidis, Armenians and others and not just Jews.  

The little games that are played that it is Zionism, not Jews that should be driven out and murdered is of little comfort to the millions of Israelis that are Jews and that constitute over a third of the world Jewish population.

Only one country has no right to exist and must be destroyed, in the eyes of the many that hate Jews or Israel, means war and death, maiming and suffering for countless children and adults on all sides. 

Destroying Israel means genocide and the death and maiming of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people on all sides. 

The blatant hatred and demonization of Jews and Israel continues to be unaddressed or minimally opposed, no matter how pathological and destructive. Nazi Germany demonized Jews, which opened the door to genocide and the slaughter of millions of helpless people. 

Anti-Semitism, or the hatred of Jews,  must stop being fashionable and acceptable. 


Thursday, June 17, 2021

Social Media Corporations: Big Brother Knows Best

 Social media giants are monopolies. Unlike monopolies of the past, there is no effort to break up social media monopolies. 'They are untouchable.

Social media corporations are protected beyond reason. They profit from published content, They censor content they do not like that has nothing to do with hate or the advocation of violence. Unlike conventional publishing companies, social media corporations are free of liability regarding the content they publish. 

The inability to sue these companies for the content they publish emboldens them. They censor whatever does not serve their political, religious and other narratives. They are big brother that controls access to information and that manipulates narratives. 

Screening out hate and the advocation of violence is reasonable, which these companies have failed miserably at. They go further, and are censoring content that has nothing to do with hate or the advocation of violence, under the guise that it does. They censor whatever does not suit their views.

One example is in regards to blasphemy. It is as if a theocracy now runs the United States. People are censored, punished and even killed in Pakistan and in some other countries for blasphemy. Blasphemy is not a crime yet in the United States. In the eyes of the social media giants, only they - no different than Pakistan's clerics, Iran's mullahs and other theocrats - can decide what people should think and say about religion. 

Democracy and freedom cannot coexistent with a few powerful corporations controlling information. Break up the social media monopolies. Make them responsible for the content they publish. Regulate how they wrongly censor content by regulating them.  Undo the huge mistake of letting these corporations become monopolies.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

U.N. On How Israel Should Wage War - Stop Existing

 The U.N., many so called leftists and progressives and others condemn Israel for how it wages war, and most recently, for how Israel responded to Hamas and Islamic Jihad rocket attacks. 

They have no answer for how Israel should respond to rocket and missile attacks other than to insist Israel should not exist at all. 

When Hamas, Islamic Jihad or another organization fires rockets from civilian areas, what is it that the U.N. and others suggest should be the response? 

How can war be waged against an enemy that entrenches itself amongst civilian populations? 

How many Hamas and Islamic Jihad rockets and missiles fell short and landed on the civilian population they hide behind?  

War in and of itself is a crime against humanity. This does not stop the glorification of war and the martyrdom that many jihadists seek. How can war be fought against organizations and nations that openly proclaim their love for war, death and martyrdom, no matter how many civilians are harmed on all sides? 

How do you fight an enemy that uses civilians as shields?

The U. N. has no answers. The so called leftists and progressives have no answers. The anti-Israel crowd has no answer. They retreat to their stand by position - there should not be an Israel to begin with, or it should be made indefensible, so it is okay to seek Israel's destruction and not okay for Israel to defend itself against its own destruction and the genocide that many seek.

This is not about choosing one side or the other. It is recognizing the destructive trajectory that still can be stopped.

There will be other wars and more innocent lives lost if the violent extremists have the upper hand. Moderation is being lost. No one is winning these wars. Unless sanity prevails, wars will continue, and they will escalate in ferocity and in the number of people killed, maimed and crippled. 

Monday, June 7, 2021

The Leftists That Know Everything About Israel And The Jews That Live There

Jew is not a race. There are Jews that are Asian, African, black, white, brown, and everything in between. 

There are a number of non Jewish and Jewish leftists that damn Israel from the comfort of North America and Europe. They go into lengthy discourses about how terrible is the state of Israel, as though Israel exists in a vacuum, surrounded by peace loving free democracies in a world full of love and goodwill towards Jews and other minorities. They can only see Israel as a villain, never as a complicated, diverse nation facing very real threats of genocide towards its population. They are rigid ideologues that view Israel through the narrow prism of their own ideologies and biases.   

These leftists are quick to profess outrage and cry crocodile tears only for children that are killed in war and conflict if Israel is involved. All other children killed in war and conflict are dismissed, no matter how many suffer. 

They often elaborate on the history of white Zionists from Europe, ignoring Israel's majority population that did not descend from Europe.  The Jews that form the majority population of Israel - Jews that descended from the middle east and North Africa- where many were ethnically cleansed and forced to flee to the state of Israel, do not exist to these leftists. Or they are completely ignored.

Israel is strong militarily, but that does not mean that millions of people do not want Israel destroyed and actively work towards that goal. Demonizing one side and ignoring or supporting the genocidal goals of the other side is something many leftists are good at. They are elitists that believe only they know what is right, no matter how many suffer and die from their beliefs and agendas.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

The Destroy Israel Crowd's Bloodlust

 The challenges between Israel and Palestinian Arabs include the fact that different people lay claim to the same small piece of land. If the land is divided into two states, peace is only achievable if there is the complete end of the conflict, and neither side makes any demands on the other. A two state solution means a Jewish majority Israel in one state, in which the Arab population has the same rights as the Jewish population, the nation remains a democracy, and an Arab majority in the other state.  A two state solution cannot be the recipe for further wars. If it can be achieved, it has to be the complete end of the conflict. 

A one state solution, only achievable if agreed upon by the different sides through peace and mutual acceptance, can be some kind of confederation or power sharing arrangement, in which both sides are invested in keeping the country stable, democratic and ultimately prosperous for all.  

Whatever the solution is to this long standing conflict, it can only come through mutual acceptance and toleration. Violence has achieved nothing. 

Gaza will have to be opened up. This densely populated enclave cannot be used as the launching pad for future wars. Whether a one state or two state solution is achieved, the people of Gaza will need freedom of movement. If  a two state solution is decided upon, a highway can be built connecting Gaza to the west bank.

There are a lot of people in the world that do not want this conflict to end peacefully. Looking at a map of the middle east and North Africa, it is easy to see that Israel is a tiny piece of land. Throughout the middle east and North Africa, there are many Islamic nations, most of which are Arab. There is room in the middle east, in the world, for one small Jewish state to exist in peace, with full rights for all its citizens, including Israeli Arabs. The never ending effort to seek Israel's annihilation has had disastrous consequences for all sides. The use of religion to keep the conflict going has to be resisted.

There are no other conflicts in the world where there is a determined effort to destroy a nation and commit genocide against its majority population. 

There has been over 70 years of war, terror and violence. There is no end in sight as the hatred, incitement, and calls for Israel's complete destruction continue unabated.

Many people that could care less about children, children dying in war, or anything about children or war and its victims, all of a sudden profess outrage whenever Israel is involved, including when Israel responds defensively to those attacking its civilian population. No matter how many people are slaughtered all over the world, all of it is ignored or disregarded if the killings cannot be used as propaganda against Israel. Murderers in the name of religion slaughter people by the hundreds and thousands daily. It is happening right now in Mozambique, Nigeria, Mali, Yemen, Libya, Mindanao, South Thailand, Afghanistan, Somalia, and many other places. Few if any care because human life has no value to an enormously large segment of humanity unless there is propaganda to be had against Israel.

Israel is an established nation. The struggle to destroy it means death, maiming and suffering on all sides. False Arguments against Jewish connections to the land, who are the Jewish people and more that are used to discredit Israel do not erase the fact that Israel is real and that its population is not willing to lie down and be slaughtered.

The never ending effort to demonize and delegitimize Israel, including by those who use the Palestinian Arab cause as a cover to disguise their hatred for Jews, condemns people to a never ending cycle of bloodshed, suffering and misery. 

There are those that argue that Israel is nothing but a colonial state occupied by invaders. Even if this argument were true, which it is not, then why do these hypocrites not condemn the lands on which many of them live? Arabs, Turks, Europeans and others invaded and colonized lands. Indigenous people in many places have been oppressed by dominant European, Arab and Ottoman empire conquerors. Yet there are no calls to destroy such places as Canada, The United States, Australia, and many other nations where indigenous people were displaced. 

More Jews were driven from their lands and homes throughout the middle east and North Africa than the number of Arabs that fled from what is now Israel during the 1948 war in which surrounding Arab nations attacked the newfound Jewish state. Jews have been ethnically cleansed throughout the middle east and North Africa. There were pogroms and massacres of Jews in Hebron, Iraq, Libya, Jerusalem, Egypt, Yemen, Algeria, and many other places in the years and decades before and/or after a Jewish state was established. 

People argue the narratives over and over, believing if they can discredit every claim Jews have to exist in their own nation, then the grounds are formed by which the state can be attacked, destroyed and for there to be genocide. 

For people that believe in God or Allah, instead of trying to destroy Israel, they should consider that Israel is God or Allah's will, and that Israel's destruction is not the will of Allah.  

In light of the very real threats that Israel faces, it is an accomplishment that it still functions as a flawed democracy instead of as an authoritarian repressive state. Other countries that face far less serious threats internally and externally respond with complete repression and loss of civil rights. 

Sane people, no matter which side they prefer in this conflict, must recognize at some point where this conflict is going. 

There is a genocidal movement that labels themselves a resistance, even though they are fascists that hate Jews and are trying to wipe out the Jews of Israel. There are many on the left, not just extreme right, that support the genocidal movement to annihilate the Jewish population of Israel.  

The genocidal movement has Israel surrounded. 

The recent war in Gaza was a small window for what is to come if war mongers prevail. Israel's enemies, including Iranian and Muslim Brotherhood proxy armies, Hamas and Islamic Jihad and others, thrive on bloody conflict in which civilians on their side are killed while they are busy trying to kill civilians on the Israeli side in order to gain propaganda points. Hamas and Islamic Jihad knew that children were going to die in Gaza from Israel's response to their rocket fire and from their own rockets that fell short of Israel. They knew that when they fired rockets and hid in tunnels the civilians of Gaza had no such protection. They knew that they would win the propaganda war by waging war from densely populated Gaza because Israel, not them, would be held responsible for civilian casualties. The civilians and children of Gaza mean nothing to  Hamas and Islamic Jihad. They openly declare their love for death and their desire for martyrdom, no matter how many civilians are murdered in order for them to fulfill their bloodlust and demented vision of what God or Allah wants. 

Those that support Hamas and Islamic Jihad are their enablers. They scream at Israel for harming children, while they support the organizations that deliberately harm children. They give a green light for the violent fanatics to keep the killing going.

If the trajectory continues with fanatical death seeking bloodthirsty fanatics being embraced, defended and emboldened, here is what comes next.

Hezbollah has hundreds of thousands of missiles and rockets directed at Israel. Iran has already said that Israel will be wiped off the map within the next several decades. Hezbollah is Iran's army in Lebanon. Lebanon is no longer a free and sovereign state. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza and elsewhere, Iran in Lebanon with its Hezbollah army, Iran in Syria with proxy forces ready to attack Israel from that front,  and with many others eager to join the genocidal effort to wipe Israel from the map, a far bloodier war is imminent.

Hamas leaders, living the good life in the richest nation in the world, Qatar, want Gaza impoverished, militarized, and to be nothing more than a densely populated enclave with unprotected civilians above ground, and Hamas and Islamic Jihad safe in their tunnels and well stocked apartments below ground. Qatar is more than eager to import millions of underpaid foreign workers to do the labor in that pampered nation, and have others do the dying for them in the wars that they fund and encourage.

When hundreds of thousands of rockets and missiles start firing from Lebanon, Gaza and elsewhere towards Israel, there will not be hundreds of civilian deaths and children killed. The war that Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others seek; total war to destroy Israel, will result in the deaths and maiming of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people.

Israel will fight back in the only way it can to survive. It will inflict massive damage on Lebanon, Gaza, and elsewhere where the rockets and missiles are firing from. 

Is the hatred for Jews and Israel so great that this outcome cannot be prevented? The war that is coming can still be prevented. The recent Gaza war was only a tiny example of the massive bloodshed that will come if there is full scale war.  Babies, children, old people, young people, civilian and soldiers will die needlessly on all sides.