Thursday, June 24, 2021

The Goal To Destroy Israel Means Seeking Genocide And Nothing Less

Many Jew haters know that demonizing Israel is perfectly acceptable as long as their hatred of Jews is hidden behind the façade of being only anti Zionist or anti Israel. Seeking Israel's destruction, which means seeking genocide and the killing of millions of people on all sides, is not only politically correct in many circles, but also fashionable. 

There is an enormous difference between legitimate criticism of Israel and seeking the destruction of the nation of Israel and the ethnic cleansing of its Jewish population. Critizing and wanting to change a government is legitimate. Seeking the destruction of a nation means genocide and nothing less, no matter how much this goal is sugarcoated.

There is no excuse for the continued dissemination of the most virulent anti-Jewish, anti-Israel defamation to continue without a response. Social media corporations censor many things arbitrarily. When it comes to demonizing Jews and Israel, there is little to no censoring.

There are videos circulating on social media openly calling for the complete destruction of Israel, which means genocide and nothing less.  A lot of people want this genocide. They pretend that Israel is demonic, while the enemies of Israel, who openly proclaim their goal to murder Jews and do every thing they can to murder Jews, are the opposite of demonic. To a Jew hater, murdering Jews is not murder but instead an act of virtue. This but one feature of the very sick world in which we live. 

Demonization is the step taken before embarking on murder and genocide. Humankind did not learn from history. Instead, we keep going down the same dark roads. Pathological Jew hate does not end with the murder of Jews alone. When Hitler was finished with his killing spree, over 50 million people were killed. When people that pathologically hate are given the weapons to act on their hate, many lives are destroyed. This happened in Rwanda, in Cambodia, in Congo, the former Yugoslavia and in other places. Hatred, demonization and then genocide occurred against Yazidis, Armenians and others and not just Jews.  

The little games that are played that it is Zionism, not Jews that should be driven out and murdered is of little comfort to the millions of Israelis that are Jews and that constitute over a third of the world Jewish population.

Only one country has no right to exist and must be destroyed, in the eyes of the many that hate Jews or Israel, means war and death, maiming and suffering for countless children and adults on all sides. 

Destroying Israel means genocide and the death and maiming of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people on all sides. 

The blatant hatred and demonization of Jews and Israel continues to be unaddressed or minimally opposed, no matter how pathological and destructive. Nazi Germany demonized Jews, which opened the door to genocide and the slaughter of millions of helpless people. 

Anti-Semitism, or the hatred of Jews,  must stop being fashionable and acceptable. 


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