We are hostages to nuclear weapons and the leaders that hold their finger on their launches. A decade or two, even a century may pass, and yet this threat never goes away.
All it takes is one person, one person in power, to unleash hell on earth.
If the great coward Hitler, who sent millions to their deaths, had his grimy little hands on the nuclear weapons launch, he would not have killed himself in the bunker. He would have taken at least half of humanity down with him.
Hitler was not the first, nor will be the last, bully to ascend to power, with clingy sycophants all around. Fortunately for the world, Germany in the 1940's did not have nuclear weapons.
Humankind produces weak, sadistic men and women all the time that rise to power. Bullies that make miserable the lives of the targets they choose to torment. Often these weak and evil bullies are in small positions of authority, maybe as a supervisor on a police department, in a factory, in a corporation, in government, in a school, but when one of them rises to a top position of authority, look out world below for a nightmare to follow.
A bully and a nuclear weapon are the recipe for hell unleashed.