Sunday, February 20, 2022

Identity Politics, Wokeness, Victimhood And Violence and Hate


Pandering to victimhood and throwing personal responsibility out the window blossomed, or maybe even originated, in the 1960's. There is nothing new, useful or helpful about the so called woke movement and identity politics. 

As violence escalates in the states, white and nonwhite acceptance of violence, bigotry and hate as long as it comes from nonwhites, has led to the same thing that it led to many decades ago - more violence, more bullying, more hate. 

Racism is not just about overt hate and discrimination. Racism includes people of all races that use race to be a bully, to intimidate, to be violent, or to be a narrow minded bigot. Racism includes having lowered standards and expectations based on race. Racism includes failing to hold people accountable for their hate, bigotry and violence because of their race, or because they are granted victimhood status that misguidedly exempts them from responsibility. Accepting, condoning or excusing violence, bigotry and hate from people because they are of a certain race, religion, ethnicity or creed, leads to more violence, bigotry and hate.

The wokeness that now exists is no different than the perverted wokeness, victimhood worship, and identity politics that started casting its dark cloud in the 1960's.  Some of it is driven by a need for moral superiority and false virtuosity. Some of it is driven by racism itself. 

When excuses are made for violence, bigotry and hate, when violence, bigotry and hate are ignored, excused or condoned, all that results is more violence and more hate. 

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