Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Difference Between Hamas And ISIS

 Courage is not about something physical. Strong, brave people do not need a scapegoat. They do not need a target to hate. They do not need a group of people to demonize. They do not need a target to blame. 

Strong, brave people take responsibility for their own lives. 

Weak people need to believe the Jew controls everything. It is their crutch. Weak people need to have someone to demonize. 

Hate is a seductive force. It mobilizes people around the worst of leaders, the worst of people, the worst of movements. It frees weak people from being responsible for their own lives. Strong people do not allow themselves to succumb to hate and demonizing.

The only difference between Hamas and ISIS is that Hamas targets the Jew. Even though Hamas and ISIS are genocidal organizations, only Hamas gains widespread favor because the target of their murdering, mutilation, raping, kidnapping, and derangement, is the Jew. 

It is irrelevant if someone supports Israel or not. No decent, brave human being alive should support people that rape, kidnap, mutilate and murder. History is being repeated. Instead of advancing, human beings are reverting to their most primitive and evil of forces; needing to hate, demonize, and target once again the Jew. 

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