Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Dying Coral Reefs Of Saipan

There is a small island near the main island of Saipan that is a marine sanctuary. It is a pretty island with many terns. An admission is charged upon entry to the park. I was there one day when hundreds, if not thousands, of tourists were present. Even though an admission was charged, and park staff were present, people were swimming on top of nearly all the shallow coral reef. People were stepping on coral. The fins of some swimmers touched or hit coral and also raised sand from the ocean floor, which covers coral and harms it. Some tourists were picking up the abundant sea cucumbers, even though there was a sign somewhere saying not to do this. I asked some staff members why an admission was charged since no one was protecting the coral. "In a few years time", I said, "there will be nothing left here but another island with a beach, and no coral or anything interesting to see in the water. And then the number of tourists will decline. Protect the coral, if you want to protect your livelihood". Everyday, there will be less and less on that island. Anyone from Saipan reading this? Protect your coral. Shallow coral reefs the world over are being destroyed, not just on Saipan. And much of it by tourists eager to see coral and snorkel or dive,enjoying the experience, but failing to leave behind no footprint.

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