Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Internet News and Social Media Spread Hate And Bigotry

       Unlike most of the printed press, which edits and and screens letters to the editors, no such screening exists regarding the comments to internet news stories. Any story about Jews or Israel brings out Jew hating obsessed crybabies by the thousands. In days past, most media outlets would at least have filters. Not so with the advent of the internet and social media. Weak people need a scapegoat, and the Jew is humankind's historic scapegoat. Instead of evolving, many people are in the same cycles of  hate and bigotry that have existed for thousands of years, and that stunt the advancement of mankind and civilization.
         It is unfortunate that internet and social media companies believe they have no responsibility for their platforms that allow hate to grow. The first amendment does not mean an obligation of media and news outlets to be the voice for weak minded bigots.

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