Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Unnatural Red Tide: Killing The Gulf Of Mexico

     In the Gulf of Mexico, the fact that red tide is known to be naturally occurring is an excuse to not address the human factors that exacerbate red tide and significantly contribute to its growth and presence. Red tide is known to kill fish, marine mammals, sea turtles and other marine animals. It is also harmful to humans.
     Rather than address man made contributions to red tide and to Gulf of Mexico dead zones, including agricultural runoff, pesticides and fertilizers used on lawns and more, it is much easier to allow the Gulf of Mexico to deteriorate and pretend it is all natural.
     The use of pesticides and fertilizers is an almost taboo topic as people pursue perfect lawns. Perfect landscaping is prioritized over a healthy Gulf of Mexico.
     The Gulf of Mexico is a gem. If it continues to be harmed, it will mean the collapse of countless jobs, real estate, recreational and commercial fishing, tourism, and more.

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