Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Abby Martin, Corbyn, And The Leftists That Support Maduro's Venezuela

      While the people of Venezuela continue to suffer, the incompetent and corrupt leadership that are incapable of running an ice cream shop continue to plunder and destroy the country. Maduro was reelected in another phony election. He and his cronies continue to live like kings and queens while poverty, crime and hunger continue to explode. The oil industry has collapsed from the incompetent, corrupt leadership and from the flight of skilled Venezuelans that found it impossible to live in their native country.
         It is time for the leftists that have supported this regime to put people ahead of their politics. Without enablers - including Iran, Russia, China, leftist supporters, Hezbollah, drug cartels- the criminal and corrupt rulers of Venezuela would not have survived. Average people in the west cannot control what Iran, China, Russia and other countries do in reference to Venezuela, but average people can and should shame Maduro's leftist supporters.

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