Friday, May 25, 2018

Gaza, Israel, And The Jewish and Palestinian Arab Right Of Return

         The Palestinian Arab claim to the right of return, a right that many believe applies exclusively to Palestinian Arabs and to no others of the hundreds of millions of refugees that have been created around the world since the 1940's, condemns the region to endless war.
         If Palestinian Arabs have the right of return, it is only fair that the same right apply to everyone else. Many Palestinian Arabs and others insist this right never disappears, no matter how much time passes. Even if it is centuries or longer.
         More Jews from Muslim majority lands were expelled or forced to flee their homes (where many had lived for centuries before Islam came into existence), than the number of Arabs, now called Palestinians, that fled when the State of Israel was created. The Jews from Muslim majority lands and their descendants form the majority population of Israel. The lands they left behind, their homes, their properties, are of a far greater size than all of Israel.
          Do these Jews have the right to return to their homes and properties that were lost to them? Would Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and other Jew unfriendly lands welcome back the descendants of the Jews whose parents and grandparents fled from those hostile lands, and give back to the Jews their lands and property?
          Many people that insist Palestinian Arabs have the right of return are blissfully unaware or ignore the larger number of Jews from the middle east and North Africa that were forced to flee to Israel.
           Instead of the painful compromises that will have to be made to achieve peace between Israel and Palestinian Arabs, let us imagine instead what it means to universally apply the Palestinian right of return. Since the right of return has no time limit, then it is only fair that part of what is now Saudi Arabia be returned to the Jews (where Jewish tribes lived until the rise of Islam, at which time they were slaughtered and driven out), along with the more recent thefts of Jewish lands in places like Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, most of Europe, and elsewhere. Therefore, under the universal right of return, Saudi Arabia must return to the Jews what is rightfully theirs. Under the right of return, Jews must be given back all of the lands and properties that were taken from them in past and recent history, which includes vast areas of the middle east, North Africa, Europe and elsewhere. All of original Israel, which was a  kingdom of the Jews long before Islam came into existence, must be returned to the Jews.
           The Palestinian right of return, universally applied, means the native people of North America, Australia, South America, Central America and elsewhere reclaim their lands and former homes. This includes returning all of New York City, New York State, California and the rest of the United States, Vancouver and the rest of Canada, Sydney and the rest of Australia, to the native peoples and ensuring the evacuations of the existing non native populations. Arabs that now live in North America, where many have prospered, along with all Americans of non native American descent, (which is hundreds of millions of people), must go back to wherever they came from if the Palestinian right if return is applied to all displaced people.
            The millions of native peoples violently displaced from the often violent expansion not only of Islam, but also of Christianity, must have their lands returned.
            None of the aforementioned will happen. Instead, people must learn to live with each other and realize that the way to correct past injustices and wrongs, real or imagined, is not to wage war and terror and create new injustices and wrongs. This means people must learn to compromise and accept the existence of one another. If not, there is endless war and violence.
            Unfortunately, Jew hatred in the Islamic world, which many pander to, ignore or even like, demands that there can be no Jewish state. Until the day comes in which there is peace, made possible by painful compromises on all sides, it is the obligation of Israel to not give Islamic jihadists what they want - the blood of civilians on both sides. It is Israel's responsibility to exercise maximum restraint and do everything possible to limit civilian casualties. But people should not lose sight of the end goal of the Islamic jihadists, which is to destroy the Jewish state. Israel, like any nation, has the right to defend itself and survive.

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