Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Marijuana Hype And Keeping MJ Away From Big Business

       Cannabis plants, including marijuana, are being legalized or are moving in the direction of legalization in many places. Big shot republicans, big shot democrats, big shots from other walks of life that never lifted a finger when it was politically unacceptable to promote marijuana legalization, are suddenly on board. They expect huge profits will be made.
      Cannabis is getting taken over by big money interests. But it does not have to be this way.
      When marijuana is legalized, people can do what many have been deterred from doing. Grow it themselves. There are many suitable places where it can be grown. In unsuitable places, it can easily be grown indoors. There is no reason for marijuana to get owned by big shots and big business. For the millions that like to smoke or use marijuana, they can become small scale harvesters and grow their own.
         Legalizing marijuana will end the black market, and stop being a cash cow for gangs, criminals, and terrorists. But is marijuana or cannabis the wonder plant that many people are making it out to be? The claims that it will help with arthritis, sleep, pain, anxiety, and a host of other ailments and illnesses are still unproven. Cannabis was proven to be beneficial for a certain form of childhood epilepsy. However, the alleged miracle powers of cannabis may prove to be another dead end road for many that will find cannabis or marijuana provides little to no relief for their pains and ailments.
          There are hundreds of thousands of vascular plants in this world, including thousands of undiscovered plants, in which some may provide benefits far beyond what marijuana or cannabis can provide. Unfortunately, as rainforests and other habitats are destroyed, many of these plants will never be found. Hyping marijuana and cannabis, including cbd oils and so forth, will leave many disappointed. The wonders of the plant world, and the tremendous benefits that plants can provide humanity, hardly starts or stops with marijuana or cannabis.
       If only more people were concerned about the preservation of biodiversity, including rainforests, before plants that can really do what marijuana and cannabis are alleged to do are lost forever.

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