Monday, December 31, 2018

Plastic Trash Cleanup Cannot Be Done On The Cheap

The more there is plastic trash entering the oceans, the more there will be poverty, hunger, and disadvantaged people. Plastic trash kills fish. Plastic trash kills other wildlife. Hundreds of millions of people rely upon the bounty of the oceans for their protein and as their main food source. The more plastic and other non biodegradable trash enters the oceans, the less fish and other food there will be for people.
Plastic trash is killing the oceans. It is killing fish and other wildlife. It is causing hunger and poverty. Furthermore, the plastic particles that have entered the food chain, and that people are now consuming from food, water, and even in the air (breathing plastic microparticles that are airborne), are proving to be carcinogenic and disease causing.
It makes sense to remove plastic and other trash along coastlines. It makes sense to employ people in need of work to participate in this (very necessary for human survival) effort. Relying on volunteers to do the cleanups that are necessary are far too inadequate and insufficient. Employing people provides livelihoods, and it will clean the coastlines and other areas where they are employed. Employed people are far more reliable and dependable workers than relying on volunteers. Plastic trash poisoning is far too great of a problem to continue doing little to nothing about it. It cannot be done on the cheap.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

A Small But Needed Minority

     It is not a racial group. It is not a religious group. It is not an ethnic group. It is a group that can come from any race, religion or ethnicity. It is the minority that does everything they can to give to the world far more than they take. They inflict the least harm possible upon other living creatures, human and animal, while walking the face of the earth. They do not shove their ideas, religions and beliefs down the throats of others. They believe that war is a crime against humanity, and that there is no such thing as holy war, martyrdom, or anything that glorifies war and killing. They oppose those who incite hate and inflame conflict and violence. They oppose those who dehumanize and demean others. They resist succumbing to a world full of evil, hate, bigotry, greed, cruelty, selfishness and destruction. They do not want the world turned into a sewer. They believe good stewardship of the earth is more important than their own individual wants and desires.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Social Media: Platform For Hate And Lies, Not Free Speech

     Social media companies have enabled hate, lies and propaganda to spread in a way that would be impossible if not for their existence. Hate speech, character defamation, and the deliberate spreading of lies are common on social media sites. Even the unfiltered comments to news stories are opportunities latched onto by every hate monger on the planet.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Chicago, Nationwide Animal Organizations And The No Kill Movement That Help Animals Suffer

     There are some very well funded Chicagoland and nationwide animal organizations that help ensure Chicagoland animals and other animals suffer. They do this in a number of ways. The people that volunteer for these organizations, or that are employed, may be unaware that the organizations they are associated with cause harm. Many of these people may be sincere in their desire to help animals. But as with anything when it comes to organizations, nothing changes for the better if no one is willing to rock the boat. And so the harm and pathology goes on and on, like a broken record.
     These organizations like to focus on the feel good aspect of what appeals to the public and donors. This includes emphasis by some organizations on adoptions and the false perception that less animals are killed because less animals are euthanized. Some of these organizations enter public animal control facilities on a daily or near daily basis, removing for free many of the most adoptable dogs, cats, puppies and kittens. They know that every adoption they make is not only a source of revenue, but may result in a lifetime of donations to their organization from the adopter. They are removing animals that are highly adoptable, and that would be adopted if they remained in the city or public facilities.
     By focusing on feel good animal adoptions and lower euthanasia rates, they ignore basic issues such as animal control and animal cruelty. They will only address animal cruelty if it is a means of getting publicity for themselves, or if it promotes one of their ineffective programs.
     Regarding animal control, many animal organizations could care less how poor is the response to animal control. This includes the response to injured animals and stray animals. The fewer animal control officers, the poorer the response to animal control, the fewer animals will be brought to public facilities. Most stray animals and injured animals living out on the streets are not the animals these organizations covet. Having these animals die out of sight, out of mind on the streets means they can get bragging rights that fewer animals are euthanized. They have no consideration whatsoever for the unfortunate animals that die slow deaths out on the streets. Only a heartless person prefers for animals to die slow deaths out on the streets often out of sight, out of mind, than experience a painless humane death by euthanasia.
     If there were true animal advocates -of which there are few if any- they would look at the response by Chicago and other cities to animal control. This includes looking at the number of calls, the nature of the calls, and what was the response. True animal advocates, this virtually nonexistence group of people, would be appalled at what they would learn. All of this is public information that can be accessed. Unfortunately, many so called animal advocates and animal organizations could care less.
     Likewise, they could care less about the police response to animal cruelty and dogfighting. The poor police response to animal cruelty and dog fighting (with few exceptions), including the record of calls to 911 regarding dogfighting and animal cruelty, have been ignored for decades now by many animal organizations and animal advocates. (Ineffective investigations by token police teams- which are little more than an excuse for larger law enforcement to continue to do little to nothing-and the ineffective and often harmful investigations conducted by a number of animal organizations, have helped animal abusers and dog fighters. This is discussed extensively in previous blogs.)
     If there was a proper response to the crimes of animal cruelty and dog fighting, many city facilities would be flooded with animals. There would be no choice but to dramatically increase euthanasia rates. The no kill movement does not want this. It seems they prefer that dogs die in fights and from cruelty than upset the fiction that no kill is being achieved.
     No kill ignores the fact that animals have to be killed to feed dogs and cats.
     The  movement to keep cats outside in feral colonies, even when the cats are neutered and spayed, means robins, other songbirds and wildlife are killed. Harm also comes to outside cats from vehicles and abusive people that shoot, stab and harm them in other ways.
     If people care about the police response to animal cruelty and dog fighting and the exploitative response from a number of animal organizations, and if people care about animal control - which means caring about millions of animals that are not part of feel good adoptions - then millions of animals will not needlessly suffer from cruelty or from the harsh reality of living out on the streets.
     Animal adoption may be called rescues, but they are not. They are adoptions. Many animal organizations know pet adoptions are highly profitable, tax free money makers. By focusing on adoptions or so called rescues, they get to continue ignoring or exploiting animal cruelty. They get to continue ignoring animal control. The no kill movement and many animal organizations will keep selling feel goodness, hence the misuse of the word rescue. The animals that could be helped and freed from misery, cruelty and pain, is a number that far exceeds all the combined adoptions that take place in the United States. Rescue, such things as running into burning buildings, diving into freezing rivers, running into traffic to save an animal or human being, has been trivialized.
     Feel good adoptions and the fiction of no kill have made a number of animal organizations very wealthy. It enables them to continue ignoring or exploiting issues related to animal cruelty, dogfighting and animal control.
     The harsh truths about animal cruelty, dog fighting, and animal control have long been kept under the rug or exploited, despite the plethora of all kinds of animal organizations and animal advocates.
      Many organizations and the no kill movement in general have helped animal hoarding, ensuring in many instances animals are kept in filthy, overcrowded conditions. There is also the hidden scandal about where many so called no kill shelters get their dogs and cats (which is the subject of an earlier blog).
     Animal misery is made possible not only by those that abuse and neglect, but also by those that are enablers. This includes those animal organizations and animal advocates that have turned a blind eye to animal cruelty and animal control, or that exploit animal cruelty, pain and misery for their own gain.
     Our oceans, our wildlife, much of the tapestry that keeps this precious earth healthy, alive and vibrant, is being damaged beyond repair. This is causing enormous human and animal suffering. The no kill movement and many animal organizations ensure money will keep being diverted away from truly helping not only dogs and cats that suffer, but so much else.

The Kurds' Safety Is At Stake, And So Is American Honor

     If Trump pulls American troops out of Syria and leaves the Kurds vulnerable to attack, it will not only harm the Kurdish people, it will significantly damage the credibility of the United States. The Kurds have been the major ally in the fight against ISIS. They have lost much, and sacrificed much in the war against the Islamic State fanatics. It is wrong to use people when needed, and then discard them when no longer needed. The honor and integrity of the United States is on the line. The Kurds must not be abandoned.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

The Kurds, Not Trump, Putin, Turkey, Or Iran, Must Come First

     The Kurds must not be abandoned. The Kurds have been at the forefront of the fight against ISIS, from which they have suffered heavily. They have been an invaluable American ally in the battle against ISIS. Trump's decision for American troops to leave Syria will be disastrous if it leaves the Kurds vulnerable to all who wish them harm. American credibility is on the line if this ally is abandoned. America First, Trump's signature slogan, must not mean abandoning an ally and friend. If Trump pulls out of Syria and the Kurds are harmed, then Trump will have disgraced the United States.

If The Kurds Are Abandoned, Then Trump Must Be Rejected

     The Kurdish people have been the most reliable ally in the fight against ISIS. They have been at the forefront of the battle to defeat ISIS. The world owes them a huge debt of gratitude.
     Trump is determined to follow a line of American presidents that have caused great harm to religious and ethnic minorities in the middle east. First there was Bush and company that foolishly and recklessly rushed into war against Iraq, lying to the American people along the way. Then there was Obama, who foolishly and recklessly prematurely withdrew American troops from Iraq, further setting the stage for the rise of ISIS and the genocide that followed against the Yazidis, Christians, other minorities and Muslim moderates. 
      Trump must not abandon the Syrian Kurds by withdrawing American troops, as he is planning on doing. If Trump pulls out American troops and the Kurds are attacked and harmed by Turkey, the Syrian regime backed by Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, or by a resurgent ISIS, it will be a major blow to any credibility the United States has left in the region. Putin will be the winner, having proved that the United States is not a dependable ally that can be trusted. 
      The Kurds deserve better than Trump's hasty, reckless decision. There should be only one reason to determine if the United States should stay embedded with Kurdish forces in Syria or if they should be withdrawn. And that is, what do the Kurdish people want. What have they decided is best for themselves. If it is for U.S. forces to stay, then the United States must respect the wishes of this invaluable ally that has sacrificed so much. 

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Plastics Are Destroying The Oceans

   It is not possible for millions of pounds of plastic and other oil based non biodegradable contaminants to enter into the oceans daily and not have a disastrous outcome. Plastic products, other oil based non biodegradable materials, clothes that release plastic fibers when washed (polyester, nylon, rayon, acrylic, etc), plastic bags and other plastic sources will be around doing harm for hundreds, if not thousands of years.
   So much needs to be done that is not being done. Thousands of people can be employed worldwide to clean up coastlines and other places. Clothing materials must change. Affordable materials must be found to replace plastic and other non biodegradable materials. Help must be provided countries that lack funds for proper waste management. Their plastics and other harmful materials go into waterways that make their way into the oceans, or they go straight into the oceans. 
   This is a major crisis that is unaddressed. Already marine life is being destroyed. These contaminants are in the air, water and in the tissues of many animals, including humans. It will only get worse. The oceans will not survive this assault without significant harm. This assault, combined with all of the other human inflicted assaults, is destroying the oceans and other waters.
    A crisis of this magnitude must not be manipulated in order to raise money for organizations that purport to address the problem. The problem is too great. This problem must not become yet another exploited problem or issue. 
   Voluntary ocean clean ups and technology to clean ocean garbage patches do not remove anywhere near the amount of plastics and other oil based non biodegradables that enter into the oceans daily worldwide. These are nothing more than placing band aides on a huge, gaping wound.
   This can become a massive anti poverty, environmental program that will employ thousands, if not millions to clean up this damaged world. Employing thousands or even millions of people to clean up coastal regions and other areas will provide employment, reduce poverty worldwide, significantly help the environment and reduce ocean plastic poisoning.
   The nature of packaging and how plastics are collected and disposed of worldwide must change and improve.
   Will people care enough about wildlife, the oceans, their own children and the future to stop this poisoning?
   Or will people continue to trash this world, with many believing this world does not matter and that only an afterlife matters?
   Will many so called animal advocates that care, or pretend to care about only a few dogs or cats or a few other species finally see the suffering in this world and actually want to help all animals and humanity?     
   Will people keep demonizing other religions, ethnicities or groups, selfishly disregarding that humans are one species? People consumed with demonizing and scapegoating others are too selfish, too weak minded to lift a finger to help humanity.
   There are many reasons why people will probably do nothing and continue to let this world deteriorate. It is unfortunate that people will not address a problem until it is too late. This problem, the plastic poisoning of the oceans, is far worse and far more dangerous than imagined.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Dogfighting, Animal Cruelty: The People And Organizations That Profit

     Some animal organizations use dogs left out in the cold to raise money. This pattern repeats itself every winter. If a dog is left out in the cold and it is life threatening situation, or if the dog is dying or has died out in the cold, then that constitutes animal cruelty. Animal cruelty is a crime. Who is best suited for handling crime? Existing law enforcement, which consists of over 1 million men and women across the United States operating every day of the year, 24 hours a day.
      But almost every dog left out in the cold in a life threatening situation will never be helped. Likewise, almost every dog and animal that are the victims of animal cruelty will never be helped. They will never be rescued, and the offenders will never be arrested. Why is this so? Because the pathological dynamic continues in which animal cruelty and dog fighting are minimally responded to by law enforcement, and in which there is maximum exploitation by a number of animal organizations and so called animal advocates. Having the public and donors believe that an animal organization is the answer to animal cruelty ensures donations. Exploiting animal cruelty is very lucrative.
       Do domestic violence organizations post pictures of abused women, or women left out in the cold, and claim to be the ones helping those unfortunate women? No, they would never do that, because the exploitation would be blatant, and it would backfire on them. Instead, domestic violence organizations have long advocated for a proper law enforcement response to the crimes of domestic violence. Dogs and other animals cannot speak. They cannot reveal how cruelty towards them are exploited by a number of animal organizations and individuals, and how crimes against them receive a minimal police response. No other crimes, except animal cruelty and dog fighting, are so easily dismissed, thanks to the well funded animal organization industry.
       Animal cruelty investigations by token police teams or by animal organizations granted police powers are ineffective and worthless. They are nothing but an excuse for larger law enforcement to continue to do little to nothing in regards to animal cruelty and dog fighting. Investigations by animal organizations that lack police powers (of which there are many) are ineffective at best and are often an opportunity for animal abusers and dog fighters to get a heads up notification that they have been discovered, and to move their animals elsewhere.
       Animal cruelty and dog fighting can occur anytime, anywhere. Imagine if other crimes like drunk driving and domestic violence received the same response as animal cruelty and dog fighting. There would be a minimal police response other than with ineffective token police  teams. Private anti drunk driving and anti domestic violence organizations would conduct even more ineffective and often harmful investigations. There would be exactly what there is for animal cruelty and dog fighting. Namely, an explosion of those crimes.
       In 1982, the beginning of one person's police career, the police response to drunk driving and domestic violence were minimal and poor. Anti domestic violence and anti drunk driving organizations made sure the police response improved.
       Animal organizations and animal advocates may agree in theory that there needs to be a better police response to animal cruelty and dog fighting. Some organizations and animal advocates even tell people to call 911, knowing full well that more often than not, the police will not respond appropriately to animal cruelty and dog fighting, if they respond at all.
       Starting over 20 years ago, a number of animal organizations and so called animal advocates were begged to fight for a proper police response to animal cruelty and dog fighting. They did nothing to help. They find it far more lucrative to have the public and donors believe they are ones doing something about animal cruelty and dog fighting. And because animals cannot speak, they get away with this exploitation.
       Dogs and other animals that are the victims of animal cruelty, which is a crime, will never be helped until there is true advocacy and an end to this entrenched animal exploitation.
       When a picture is shown of a dog left out in the cold and animal organizations ask for money, ask them why, if the dog is truly suffering, dying, or is already dead, they did nothing to make sure the police responded appropriately and recovered the dog and placed the offender under arrest.
        If animal cruelty and dog fighting laws are truly enforced, animal shelters would be overwhelmed by the number of animals truly rescued. The no kill animal movement fiction would finally end, and reasonable human beings that care about animals would have to conclude that humane euthanasia is preferable to a life of abuse and torment. Instead, many of the so called no kill animal organizations could care less about abused and fought animals. (However, if they can exploit an abused animal for fundraising purposes, they will not hesitate to do so.) They could care less what the police do or do not do. All they are interested in is the fate of a tiny number of dogs and cats in their shelters. They know that people love feel good stories, and that animal shelter businesses in and of themselves can be lucrative.
        In short, abused animals need true animal advocates. They need animal organizations that are willing to fight for an end to animal abuse and dog fighting, rather than use animal abuse and dog fighting as a way of raising money for themselves.
        If there is doubt about any of the above, then consider this: dogfighting is common and widespread. There are many gangs and criminals in the United States. Many gang members and criminals love to fight dogs. Of the thousands upon thousands of dogs fought in the United States every year, how many dog fighters get arrested? How many dogs get rescued? 
        There are not even close to 100 arrests nationwide for dog fighting in a given year. A dog fighter has a greater chance of getting struck by lightning than ever getting arrested. The number of misdemeanor animal cruelty arrests are pitifully small compared to the frequency in which the crimes occurs. Felony animal cruelty arrests are rare.
         All of this is made possible by the failure of law enforcement and by the exploitative animal advocates and animal organizations that are just fine with things as they are so as long as the money keeps rolling in. There is a lot of money to be made- fame, fortune, and careers to be had- being a so called animal advocate. Donations pour in to animal organization that claim to be against cruelty and the abuse of animals.
         In the world of animal welfare, animal cruelty and dog fighting, efficacy and accountability is virtually nonexistent. Exploitation is rampant.
         For almost every single dog left dying out in the cold, there will be no one to rescue them. For almost every single animal being fought, there will be no one to rescue them and that will arrest their offender(s). For almost every single animal that is abused, no matter how horrifically, there will be no one to help them. The lucrative animal no kill movement, so called animal advocates, and the lucrative against cruelty and abuse animal organizations have ensured that maximum exploitation and minimal law enforcement continues.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Red Tide Institutes And Red Tide Studies Are Not The Answer To Red Tide

    There was a news story recently regarding a million dollar grant provided to a new institute that will be funded to research red tide. It is well known that red tide is a natural occuring event made much worse by fertilizer runoff. The main sources of the fertilizers that pours into the Gulf of Mexico are from agricultural runoff. But lawns are also a major source of fertilizer, pesticide and other harmful contaminants that end up in the Gulf of Mexico and other bodies of water. All of these fertilizers are putting red tide on steroids.
     Dolphins, manatees, sea turtles, shorebirds, fish, invertebrates and more have been killed by red tide. Red tide is harmful to humans. It is hurting florida's economy.
     That million dollars would be put to far better use by simply getting people to change their lawns. By letting lawns go natural, by growing native plants and other environmentally beneficial trees and shrubbery, not only would red tide be reduced, but there would be a number of other benefits.
      Instead, people would rather study a problem than do the challenging work of changing the dynamics contributing to the problem. The flow of water contaminated with agricultural fertilizers and waste must change. But the most immediate thing individuals can do is simply give up on the English model of green grass - which requires enormous water resources, fertilizers and harmful chemicals - and embrace native lawns and beneficial plants and trees that contribute to environmental health and that do not contaminate the Gulf of Mexico and other bodies of water.
      People cannot have it all. It cannot be business as usual if a healthy Gulf of Mexico is to survive. Changing the nature of landscaping and lawns will open the door to a massive new industry. Biodiversity will increase. There will be more birds and more beneficial insects, including bees, butterflies and more. Red tide will be reduced. Natural lawns with native plants and grasses, beneficial trees and shrubs, will help restore bodies of water and improve the environment in general not just in the Gulf of Mexico, but everywhere they are planted. 

Bloodshed In Gaza Is What Hamas Wants

    Recently one of the Hamas leaders declared to an enthusiastic, brainwashed crowd that from Gaza will come death, martyrdom and killing. If one supports Israel, but opposes Israeli action on its border with Gaza, or if one opposes Israel but cares about all human life, supporting or excusing the actions of Islamic jihadists like Hamas does nothing but contribute to the bloodshed. Whether it is Hamas, Boko Haram, Abu Sayyaf, Al Shabazz, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Taliban and so on; all of the many Islamic jihadi groups revel in blood, killing, martyrdom and death. They do not care how many of their own populations are sacrificed in order to achieve their tyrannical, oppressive religious goals. The world, if it truly wants to stop the bloodshed and more loss of innocent lives, must quit indulging and supporting these groups.
     It is not easy to respond to Islamic jihadists. They view compromise as weakness. They are uncompromising in their fanaticism and hatred for those different than themselves. They do not hesitate to kill civilians and sacrifice their own civilian populations. But this does not free the nations forced to respond to fanatical Islamic jihadists from doing everything they can to minimize loss of civilian life and harm to civilian populations. Civilians are the innocent victims of this and other conflicts.

Monday, December 10, 2018

From The River To The Sea, The Call for Ethnic Cleansing And Genocide

     From the river to the sea means the ethnic cleansing and slaughter of the Jewish population living between the Mediterranean and the Jordan river. It means that only Islamic rule is allowed, and that religious minorities continue to be disregarded and viewed as dispensable. Far too many on the left eagerly embrace Islamic theocracies and religious tyranny. Genocide, murder, religious oppression, ethnic cleansing, rape, sexual slavery, and more are fine with them so long as these crimes are committed by Muslims or another group upon whom they bestow victimhood status and freedom from responsibility. Muslim against Muslim, Arab against Arab, black against black lives means nothing to them. They only feign concern when there are political points to be gained.
      Most of Israel's population are Jews and their descendants already ethnically cleansed from Muslim majority lands in the middle east and North Africa. Now that they are in Israel, their legitimate rights continue to be denied. Drive them to the sea, or to Europe from where none of them ever came, is the battle cry for those seeking Israel's destruction and a new genocide.
      The only answer to this conflict is for there to be mutual acceptance, compromise, and the willingness for all sides to accept the existence and legitimate rights of the others. This will never be achieved through constant incitement and encouragement of the Islamic jihadists that revel in the support they receive from Jew haters on the right and left.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Jews From Arab Muslim Majority Lands And The War Against Them And Israel

     The majority population of Israel are Jews and their descendants that originated from the middle east and North Africa. They did not experience the holocaust that European Jews experienced, but their history as a minority living in Muslim majority lands is not the rosy one that some portray it to be. Many of the Jews from the middle east and North Africa were ethnically cleansed and forced from their homes where they lived for generations. Israel absorbed its refugee population of Jews from Arab and other Muslim majority lands. Arabs made sure Palestinian Arabs maintain their refugee status in order to keep this conflict going.
      Now that the Jews from the middle east and North Africa are living in the State of Israel, many of the Islamic countries that ethnically cleansed their Jewish populations want Jews ethnically cleansed from Israel as well. Unlike Palestinian Arabs, Israeli Jews have nowhere to go. They cannot go back to such places as Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Algeria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, and more, where they will face certain persecution or death.
      When an Islamic jihadist organization like Hamas declares, as they often do, that they will defeat the Zionist enemy because Hamas loves death and martyrdom, and the Jews worship life, they fail to understand that it does not matter if Israelis worship death or life. People whose backs are to the wall with no place to go have no choice but to fight, no matter what it takes.
       Recognizing the legitimate rights of the Jews ethnically cleansed from Arab Muslim and other Muslim majority lands continues to be ignored. Their rights and claims are no less important than the rights and claims of Palestinian Arabs. The anti Israel crowd is too busy demonizing Jews and Israelis to ever acknowledge the ethnic cleansing committed by many Muslims against Jews, and how many Islamic organizations and nations, including Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iran and others, do not hide their genocidal ambitions. These organizations and nations make it clear in their words and actions that killing Jews is not only acceptable, but is a religious duty.
       It is common for many in the anti Israel crowd to assert that the Jews of Israel must go back to Europe. Israel is a state for over 70 years. Most Israelis have no connection to Europe. The majority of Israelis never had a connection to Europe. Even if Israeli Jews were to go to Europe, they would find a hostile Europe greatly changed in recent years. Jew hatred is alive and growing among many of the Muslims now living in Europe. The Jew hatred that has long been Christian Europe's ugly stain has not disappeared.
       The only safe place for the Jews of Israel is Israel. The sooner the world stops ignoring, accepting, encouraging or promoting Islamic jihadist groups and jihadist ideology, the sooner the Israeli/ Palestinian Arab conflict and many other conflicts can be resolved. The legitimate rights of Jews ethnically cleansed from Arab Muslim and other Muslim majority lands must finally be acknowledged and addressed. When genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Jews of Israel ceases to be a real threat, peace and compromise beneficial to all sides can be achieved. The recent genocide against the Yazidis - the taking of the Yazidi women and girls as sex slaves (many are still held captive), the murder, rape and slavery of  the Yazidi religious minority by Islamists and jihadists - makes it clear that the Jews living in Israel, hated passionately by many Muslim and non Muslim Jew haters throughout the world, will be slaughtered, raped and enslaved if they lose just one war.