The more there is plastic trash entering the oceans, the more there will be poverty, hunger, and disadvantaged people. Plastic trash kills fish. Plastic trash kills other wildlife. Hundreds of millions of people rely upon the bounty of the oceans for their protein and as their main food source. The more plastic and other non biodegradable trash enters the oceans, the less fish and other food there will be for people.
Plastic trash is killing the oceans. It is killing fish and other wildlife. It is causing hunger and poverty. Furthermore, the plastic particles that have entered the food chain, and that people are now consuming from food, water, and even in the air (breathing plastic microparticles that are airborne), are proving to be carcinogenic and disease causing.
It makes sense to remove plastic and other trash along coastlines. It makes sense to employ people in need of work to participate in this (very necessary for human survival) effort. Relying on volunteers to do the cleanups that are necessary are far too inadequate and insufficient. Employing people provides livelihoods, and it will clean the coastlines and other areas where they are employed. Employed people are far more reliable and dependable workers than relying on volunteers. Plastic trash poisoning is far too great of a problem to continue doing little to nothing about it. It cannot be done on the cheap.
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