Sunday, December 30, 2018

A Small But Needed Minority

     It is not a racial group. It is not a religious group. It is not an ethnic group. It is a group that can come from any race, religion or ethnicity. It is the minority that does everything they can to give to the world far more than they take. They inflict the least harm possible upon other living creatures, human and animal, while walking the face of the earth. They do not shove their ideas, religions and beliefs down the throats of others. They believe that war is a crime against humanity, and that there is no such thing as holy war, martyrdom, or anything that glorifies war and killing. They oppose those who incite hate and inflame conflict and violence. They oppose those who dehumanize and demean others. They resist succumbing to a world full of evil, hate, bigotry, greed, cruelty, selfishness and destruction. They do not want the world turned into a sewer. They believe good stewardship of the earth is more important than their own individual wants and desires.

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