Friday, July 19, 2019

BDS And The Pursuit Of Jihad And Death

     BDS wants there to be no Israel. So does Hamas, Iran, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, and many others. BDS aims to economical weaken and destroy Israel. Its claim to be nonviolent rings hollow. BDS knows that the many enemies of Israel are salivating at the chance to destroy Israel through violence and terror. It knows that weakening Israel's economy makes Israel vulnerable to the jihadist ambitions of its violent enemies. A true nonviolent movement pursues nonviolence across the board. A true nonviolent movement disavows, condemns, boycotts, sanctions and divests from all parties that use violence and terror.
       What is the true face of the effort to destroy Israel? It is about ethnically cleansing Israel of its Jewish population and the killing and maiming of millions, Jew and Arab alike. Why anyone would want this speaks volumes about the nature of far too many people.

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