Monday, July 1, 2019

Islamist In Liberal San Francisco Makes Case For Israel

     In liberal San Francisco's largest downtown mosque, an Islamist scholar preached the same tired message heard over and over every day across the Islamic world, making the case once again for why there needs to be an Israel. Morsi's, the so called scholar asserted, was killed by satanic Zionists. He went on to blame satanic Zionists for the evils of the world, and for the failures that exist in the Islamic world. Blaming the Jew and/or Zionist for the world's ills never ceases to inspire crowds of bigots.
      Israel is a country that exists. The never ending effort to destroy it and ethnically cleanse its Jewish population has ensured generations of suffering and bloodshed for Arab and Jew alike. 
      To this so called scholar: bigotry is evil. The satan he is looking for, and wants to destroy, is found in his own bigotry and hate. 
       Too often many liberals and progressives need victims to fawn upon. Muslims are one of their favorite victims, even though Muslim is not a race or ethnic group. In their typical weak kneed fashion, many ingratiating liberals and progressives will not stand up against bigotry if the bigotry comes from those they deem victims.
         Meanwhile, an establishment Islamist scholar preaching hate in the middle of liberal San Francisco is a teaching moment for why there needs to be an Israel. 

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