Friday, August 2, 2019

Environmental Degradation, Justice, Fortune From Misfortune

       What mankind does to the environment ultimately trumps all the things mankind does to each other. Social justice, economic justice, racial equality; all mean nothing in a degraded, contaminated world. 
        In the short span of my life, I have been in gorgeous coral reefs that no longer exist. I have hiked and lived in pristine rain forests that are now dead. 
       There is plastic and other trash everywhere. There are greedy people even capitalizing on this misfortune. Every misfortune is a fortune for someone. My eyes were opened to this sad reality decades ago, starting with the misfortune of animal cruelty and dog fighting. Pain and misery are opportunities for vultures hiding under the fiction of good intentions.
       There are many species barely clinging on to existence. Birds and mammals hunting and fishing in depleted, polluted seas and lands. The list of harm is long and dismal. 
       Will people push aside their politics, their religions, their greed and for once prioritize the protection of what is left of our environment before it is all lost and destroyed?

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