Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Ilhan Omar, Tlaib, Israel, Somalia, DRC ; The Islamist Art Of Deflection

     The recent killings by Islamists in Afghanistan (at a wedding), in the Democratic Republic of the Congo by a Ugandan Muslim terrorist group, in Somalia, in Syria, and across the world, are ignored. It is easier to demonize Israel, which also ensures that the Palestinian Arab/Israeli conflict never ends.
     Omar comes from Somalia. Life in Somalia is as cheap to her as it is to other Somalian Islamists, including al-Shabab. It is easier for her to go after Israel than concern herself with the lives of Somalians. Fighting for Somalians does not give her the political points and publicity that going after Israel does. Going after Israel ingratiates her and Tlaib to Islamists worldwide, along with the Jew hating Islamist apologists on the left and right.
      Many people use the Jew and Israel as a way of diverting focus away from themselves and their own religions, beliefs and deficiencies. This hyper focus ensures that the help that so many people desperately need in the world, including in Somalia,  in the Congo region, and in many other places, will never arrive.

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