Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Money, Guns, Bombs, Wealth, Religion And A Trashed, Ruined Planet

All the wealth people think they have means nothing compared to what mankind has collectively lost. From time immemorial, the oceans have been mankind's bounty. We have proceeded to trash the hell out of them, turning oceans into sewers. Filled with trash, pesticides, fecal matter, agricultural runoff, lawn runoff as people foolishly pursue perfect lawns, and much more. We have loaded the oceans with plastic and other non biodegradable contaminants. The more the oceans are trashed, destroyed and polluted, the more they are filled with plastic, the more they are acidified; the poorer we all become. The more we lose rain forests, coral reefs, biodiversity and more, the greater our impoverishment. The stock market may make us think we are wealthy. Guns and bombs may make us think we are powerful. Blind devotion to some religion and constant prayer to a God may make us feel protected. But none of this is true. We were given a planet to protect and nurture. Instead, we developed warped notions of power, wealth, and prestige. We are destroying our oceans and lands and are too blind, too selfish, too self absorbed to recognize what we our doing.

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