Thursday, September 19, 2019

Picking On The Small Guy; Abuse Of Power In Russia

     An eccentric Russian man critical of Putin and described as a shaman, was on his way walking from Siberia to Moscow. Authorities did not allow him to continue. He had already walked about a third of the way of the 5000 or so mile journey. News reports indicate he was arrested and will be criminally charged for an incident that allegedly occurred while on his journey. His supporters insist he was arrested on trumped up charges.
     There are those that will rush to the defense of the multi billionaire and multimillionaire oligarchs that rule Russia. They will defend the strong, rich and powerful who are in no need of defense.
      Leave this man alone. No matter the place, no matter the country, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of speech must be a universal right.

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