Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sitting On Wealth While The Amazon, Congo, Borneo,And Other Rain Forests Are Destroyed

       Borneo is burning. The Amazon is burning. The Congo, out of sight, out of mind for many, is being destroyed. Other rain forests are being destroyed.
       Money rules the world. It is an unfortunate reality. Money and greed are destroying these great rain forests, their wildlife and mankind's future.
        Conservation interests must out spend agribusiness, logging, mining and others that are destroying the rain forests. Preservation of these great forests, upon which the future of mankind depends, requires money. It must become more financially important to preserve than to destroy.
          Why are big money conservation, wildlife and animal welfare related organizations sitting on their billions of dollars while the world burns?  What are they waiting for? What are the billionaires and multimillionaires that profess concern for the environment and that support these organizations waiting for?
         A vast network of marine parks, rain forest and other reserves needs to be added to the inadequate number of existing reserves and sanctuaries. Money must be spent to ensure each preserve and sanctuary is adequately patrolled and protected.
        Some of these organizations are explicit about spending donor money on preserving land. They selectively choose what land to protect, well aware of what they have chosen to ignore and not protect as they prioritize their organizational wealth over their professed land conservation mission. They own collectively billions of dollars in assets.
        While rain forests continue to be destroyed, why are these organizations and individuals stockpiling their wealth? Are they waiting until there is little to nothing left to protect? Is their money more important than the wealth and health of the natural world, which they claim to care about, and which is collapsing before our eyes?

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