Friday, September 27, 2019

Crashing Bird Populations: No Kill, Pets Are Worth Saving Vs. Birds

           It is not enough that birds and other wildlife have lost much of their habitat, and as a result many species are threatened or near extinction.
           Birds and other wildlife must contend with the domestic cat, a masterful predator and killer of birds and other animals. Many birds and other animals did not evolve with the domestic cat, and are ill equipped to defend themselves. People have allowed this skilled predator to unleash its killing ability on all corners of the world.
           The remedy is simple but near impossible to achieve because of the human emotions involved. Keep cats inside. If the cat is a pet, keep it indoors. If it is feral, remove it from the outside. Outside cats do not fare well. Cold weather, heat, vehicles, sadistic people that enjoy harming animals inflict misery on many cats.
            Outside cats are in harms way. Birds are in harms way from cats.
            For the millionaires and billionaires supporting the pets are worth saving movement, knowing full well that colonies of outdoor cats are no ones pets, stop making birds and other wildlife suffer. They already face far too many threats and do not need cats on their list of threats. These people would rather see birds and other wildlife killed by outdoor cats rather than upset their "no kill" fiction. As long as dogs and cat are never humanely euthanized, their fate does not matter to many of the "no kill" people. Animal cruelty flourishes when humane euthanasia is equated with real cruelty.
             Instead of trying to achieve the no kill fiction on the cheap by using outdoor spaces, let the millionaires and billionaires behind the every cat and dog must never be euthanized fictional movement spend their money where their mouths are. Let them buy their own indoor space where they can keep their cats. Why should birds, already with many species in decline, pay the price because no kill millionaires and billionaires want to "save" cats on the cheap?


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