Saturday, December 28, 2019

White Privilege Generalization

Privilege is often about wealth, not race. People with money have more opportunities, better access to healthcare, education, housing, and so forth.

Some of the most privileged people of all races--wealthy and sometimes famous--are at the forefront of white privilege complaining.

Assuming someone is privileged based on skin color alone is a racist generalization.

There are people of all races that have access to opportunities denied to others. There are people of all races in completely opposite situations.

Being an American in and of itself is a privilege not afforded to billions of people in the world. Billions of people not in the United States live without proper shelter, no electricity, no running water, no access to healthcare, no access to dental care, no opportunities for education or decent employment. Billions live without clean water and without access to enough food.

The agenda to further divide Americans on race is furthered by white privilege narratives.

For the millions of white people inside of the United States that struggle economically, many with health issues and other serious problems, white privilege would be laughable if it were not so corrosive and divisive of a concept.

The more some on one political party push the white privileged narrative, alienating millions of whites that struggle daily and that are not privileged, the better it is for the opposing political party.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Reversing Failed Land Protection - Protecting the Planet

Until the day comes, if ever, in which people do not overpopulate the lands upon which they live - where millions flee environmentally degraded, poverty stricken lands for foreign soils- no effort should be spared to protect lands and waters before everything is destroyed.

The more lands and waters are degraded and destroyed, the more desperate people become. They flee for safer lands. Poverty and environmental degradation contributes to social, political and religious instability.

Protecting the environment is not just about a love for nature. It is essential for human survival.

Land protection does not come cheap. Managing and preserving lands and waters that are protected requires money and effort.

Enormous amounts of lands that should be protected never will be under the existing structures of land and water protection.

Business interests develop at will with little resistance.

Conservationists and their organizations are content with their self serving circles and limited achievements. Saving slivers while everything else is being destroyed must stop being acceptable.

True conservation must stop move away from the ineffective hands in which it has rested. Conservation must become an integral part of the political, religious, social and economic focus going forward.

The money is there to save rain forests, coral reefs, and more. Only the will is lacking. Leaving land protection in the hands of a few nonprofit organizations and in the hands of business interests supported by bought and sold political interests will only lead to more of the same - a few places protected and a whole lot more destroyed.

Trillions of dollars are spent on war and preparing for war. If a small fraction of that money was spent on saving rain forests, rain forests throughout the world would not be disappearing every second.

Enormous amounts of money are spent ensuring wealth continues to concentrate in the hands of a few. The small number of people that control the world's wealth have more than enough money to ensure the rain forests of the Amazon, Congo, Southeast Asia and more are protected. Unfortunately, the more people have, the more they want for themselves. The tax structures that allows wealth to concentrate in the hands of a few, and that keeps it concentrated in the hands of an elitist class, must change.

Religions, too often concerned with their own wealth and seductive promise of future paradises, have done little to nothing to protect this planet. The first and foremost thing that all religions must do is to renounce all religious violence and hate, and stop ignoring or being tolerant of those that do promote hate and violence. Otherwise the cycles of violence will continue, and the environment will continue being destroyed in the process.

Land and water protection must stop being a side show, subordinate to mankind's religious, political and social conflicts. It must become a front and center priority.

Environmental degradation is destroying this planet. It just might beat nuclear war as the final destroyer of human life. These two threats - environmental destruction and nuclear war, must be face head on and defeated. Business as usual has failed.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Animal Cruelty, Dog Fighting, Dogs In The Cold, And The Animal Organizations That Profit

When the commercial runs of dogs left out in the cold, and then the animal organization begs for your donation, who is it that benefits - the animal organization or the dogs left out in the cold?

Dogs left suffering out in the cold in harms way is a form of animal cruelty.

Animal cruelty is a crime.

Instead of ensuring a proper police response to animal cruelty and dog fighting, animal organizations professing to be against animal cruelty would rather have the public believe they are the answer to animal cruelty so that the donations keep pouring in.

Crime, including animal cruelty, belongs in the hands of public law enforcement.

If public law enforcement is not doing its job - such as how it was before regarding drunk driving and domestic violence - then it is the responsibility of concerned people and organizations to ensure there is a widespread, appropriate police response.

The only way to seriously fight against animal cruelty and dog fighting is to ensure a widespread, appropriate police response response to these crimes. Not with token forces, whether fielded by an animal organization or an actual police department - and that are only an excuse for larger law enforcement to continue doing little to nothing. Not with ineffective humane investigators lacking law enforcement powers who often provide animal abusers and dog fighters heads up opportunities to move their animals elsewhere.

Anti domestic violence organizations and anti domestic drunk driving organizations do not accept poor police responses to those crimes. And they certainly do not delude the public into thinking that they are the ones doing criminal investigations.

As long as the poor police response continues to animal cruelty and dog fighting, and as long as animal organizations continue to exploit these crimes for their own gain, only harm will continue to animals and the public at large.

Few animal abusers will continue to get arrested, despite the incredible commonness and frequency of animal cruelty. Dog fighters will continue to stand a better chance of getting struck by lightning than ever getting arrested.

Animal organizations using suffering animals to get donations get money by the boatload from an unquestioning public. Too many people follow organizations like blind sheep. Big money is being made in animal cruelty.

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Unaccountable Social Media Monopolies That Control Information

Social media monopolies are unwilling to spend time and money to differentiate between speech that promotes hate and violence, and speech defined as offensive because someone disagrees with the opinions expressed.

They are shutting down legitimate criticisms and enforcing blasphemy restrictions without avenues to contest such decisions.

Since the business interests that control the U.S. government are unwilling to regulate the social media monopolies like a utility company, or break them up, there is a third avenue that should be pursued. These social media monopolies must not continue as anonymous giants in which no human being can be reached by phone. They must be held accountable for their arbitrary censorship decisions, and they must become like other companies in which there are actual people with whom there can be communication. It is inexcusable that these multi billionaire dollar social media monopolies control the flow of information and its dissemination, and yet remain unaccountable and unreachable.

Social Media Monopolies: Voice For Liars And Entrenched Interests

One social media monopoly's CEO declared that spreading lies and disinformation are acceptable in political ads, but woe to the little person that expresses an opinion that is not violent or hateful, but that some entrenched interest does not like. A few corporations control the flow of information and its dissemination, while allowed to be unreachable and unaccountable. Technology was supposed to expand, not kill democracy and free speech.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Nuclear Weapons: Russian TV's Misguided Opinion

On a Russian government television station, one of the talking heads berated the United States. His criticisms went on and on, and are a waste of time repeating. It is not like Russia is without corruption and its own set of problems.

But let us assume on face value that the United States is as rotten of a place as the talking head insisted.

He argued about the necessity for Russia to pursue nuclear weapons advancements due to the threats the United States allegedly poses to Russia and to other countries.

He insisted that civilization advances from the technology that comes from weapons development.

The audience clapped enthusiastically, which people are often mindlessly inclined to do even when what they are favoring means destruction.

The money wasted on arms, nuclear and conventional, if spent directly in the civilian sphere, would provide far greater benefits and outcomes than the residual benefits that comes from defense spending.

Nuclear war ends human history because it ends human existence. Nuclear weapons are the permanent, irreversible response to fleeting problems, grievances and animosities that otherwise would pass in the course of time.

The more nuclear bombs and missiles, the less chance mankind has for a future, let alone a bright one.

The best of leaders wants less, not more of the nuclear weapons demon.

It is hard to understand the complacency from all sides that accepts, even applauds, the nuclear arms race.

Dogs Of Winter Left In Cold Suffering, And The Animal Organizations That Profit

Winter is here, and so are the insufferable ads by an animal organization begging for donations, showing dogs out in the cold without adequate shelter in harms way.

Dogs left suffering out in the cold without adequate shelter in harms way constituents animal cruelty. Animal cruelty is a crime. The enforcement of criminal laws belongs in the hands of law enforcement. Law enforcement continues to minimally enforce animal cruelty laws, with very few exceptions, in the absence of advocacy by anyone to ensure otherwise, and in the face of animal organizations only too eager to present themselves as the answer to animal cruelty.

Until this changes, and so far decades have gone by with nothing changing for the better, few animal abusers will get arrested despite the incredible frequency and commonness of animal cruelty. Few animals will be rescued from abusive situations. Dog fighters will continue to have greater chances of getting struck by lightning than ever getting arrested.

Law enforcement continues to do little to nothing about animal cruelty, other than with token forces fielded here or there that placate the public and that are an excuse for larger law enforcement to continue doing little to nothing.

Despite this massive failure, donations keep pouring in to the animal organizations claiming to do something about animal cruelty, with an unquestioning public ignoring their role in keeping animal cruelty and dog fighting as the least enforced, most exploited crimes. All to the detriment of animals and the public at large.

Friday, December 13, 2019

How No One Wins A Nuclear Weapons War

Explode enough nuclear weapons, and everyone loses. Radiation and the aftermath of nuclear weapon explosions do not remain confined to any one country. Even if Russia completely destroys the United States with nuclear weapons, or vice a versa, all the United States or Russia have to do is explode their own arsenal of nuclear weapons on their own soil, and the contamination and aftermath will destroy Russia, the United States, and everything else.

There are no winners in a nuclear war. Everyone loses. And still the insanity is pursued.

The New Nuclear Arms Race Pursued By Russia, China, the U.S. And Others

Nuclear wars cannot be won. Everyone loses. Humanity and most life on the planet.

There is a new nuclear arms race. Some believe it is a race that can be won.

The stupidity and destructiveness of the nuclear arms race knows no knows no bounds.

Russia and the U.S. justify their madness by their mutual distrust and at times animosity. Other countries have entered the insanity.

Cheer leaders clap at the madness, in their blind loyalty to Putin or another leader.

There is much more to this world than the parochial interests of Russia, China, the United States or any other country. This world is not meant to be destroyed because of the narrow minded and selfish interests of a country or of a religion.

No nuclear weapons advancement should be applauded. Every new missile test, every new way to deliver nuclear bombs and destroy the other side is nothing but a huge step backwards.

Life in the ocean has to contend with enormous amounts of plastic and other pollutants. As humanity continues to pollute and destroy the oceans and environment, guaranteeing further impoverishment and hunger for the future, nations that should be devoting resources to helping the environment instead choose to squander money on the stupidest, most destructive of all races.

When a leader or a country anywhere in the world brags about their nuclear weapons and their missiles, in what appears to be displays of strength, bravado and patriotism, no clearer sign can be given of their moral bankruptcy and stupidity.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Stock Markets: Wrongful Measures of Health And Wealth

Most people in the world do not have the ability to invest in stock markets. Most people in the world live in impoverished places that are increasingly environmentally degraded.

Stock markets suck up the world's wealth. Financial markets, not the environment, are where wealth falsely resides.

Nothing could be more misguided. Stock markets are the illusion of wealth that benefit a few and exclude the many. Real wealth resides in healthy oceans, healthy lands, and in a healthy environment.

Stock markets have risen exponentially, while the health of the environment has fallen dramatically. Coral reefs are disappearing. So are rain forests, biodiversity, and the fate of millions of species. The world is an increasingly contaminated, dangerous place, filled with plastic and man made carcinogens of all sorts. Nuclear weapons are proliferating. Religious and political fanaticism that embraces violence and hate keeps growing like cancer.

More weapons, more contamination, more environmental degradation, while the out of touch with reality stock markets keep climbing higher.

Pensions, retirement accounts, government entities of all sorts, and more, rely upon a rising stock market. The world economy is tied to its fate. The stock market, not the environment, is the wrongful measure of health and wealth.

There are still a few people in this world that live in faraway places that have nothing to do with financial markets. They live off of the land, and the land takes care of them. If the stock market rises or crashes, it does not affect them.

For most of the rest of the world, the stock markets are the only game in town. This will unfold one day into a tragedy.

We must be like sheep, and buy into the casino like reality that shapes our lives, economies and politics. Maybe the federal reserve will make interest rates go negative so more money will pour into the stock markets.

Disclaimer: this is not financial advice. For young people especially that are not gamblers, invest in an inexpensive broad based fund. Your financial health may be bound to the fate of the stock market, but somewhere inside recognize that real wealth exists elsewhere. Fight for a healthy environment.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Social Media Giants Are Killing Free Speech And Religious Freedom

Monopoly power by a few social media giants are killing democracy and free speech. Monopoly power by a few social media corporations ensures only the rich and powerful have a voice. Monopoly power by a few social media corporations ensures a basic tenet of western civilization, the right to criticize religion, ceases to exist and is replaced by blasphemy restrictions. Promoting hatred and violence towards the practitioners of any faith is always wrong, but criticizing any and all religion that people practice is a basic human right. The freedom to reject and criticize religion is an essential part of what it means to have freedom of religion.

The social media monopolies are unaccountable to everyone except the rich and powerful. They routinely suppress the voices of small time insignificant voices. They step on little people, knowing that other than an occasional appearance before a powerful entity such as congress, or an appearance in front a president, they are unaccountable.

Political ads that spread lies and disinformation are acceptable, according to the all too powerful CEO of one social media giant. But woe to the little person that steps out of line, such as this blogger, in a criticism about how plastic pollution is not properly addressed. That earned a permanent Facebook block, without any avenue of recourse.

Criticize the ineffectiveness and harmfulness of certain charities, without actually naming names, or the hatred emanating from some people under the umbrella of a religion, and someone will ensure that the messenger is suppressed. Lying is okay, but seeking a fair and open discussion by a small time person seeking to leave this miserable world in a better way before he departs it, is not.

The social media giants have strangleholds on democracy. The only way for democracy to survive is to regulate these giants, no different than how utilities are regulated. Monopolies kill free enterprise. Social media monopolies are killing free speech, damaging the electoral process, and destroying freedom itself.