Monopoly power by a few social media giants are killing democracy and free speech. Monopoly power by a few social media corporations ensures only the rich and powerful have a voice. Monopoly power by a few social media corporations ensures a basic tenet of western civilization, the right to criticize religion, ceases to exist and is replaced by blasphemy restrictions. Promoting hatred and violence towards the practitioners of any faith is always wrong, but criticizing any and all religion that people practice is a basic human right. The freedom to reject and criticize religion is an essential part of what it means to have freedom of religion.
The social media monopolies are unaccountable to everyone except the rich and powerful. They routinely suppress the voices of small time insignificant voices. They step on little people, knowing that other than an occasional appearance before a powerful entity such as congress, or an appearance in front a president, they are unaccountable.
Political ads that spread lies and disinformation are acceptable, according to the all too powerful CEO of one social media giant. But woe to the little person that steps out of line, such as this blogger, in a criticism about how plastic pollution is not properly addressed. That earned a permanent Facebook block, without any avenue of recourse.
Criticize the ineffectiveness and harmfulness of certain charities, without actually naming names, or the hatred emanating from some people under the umbrella of a religion, and someone will ensure that the messenger is suppressed. Lying is okay, but seeking a fair and open discussion by a small time person seeking to leave this miserable world in a better way before he departs it, is not.
The social media giants have strangleholds on democracy. The only way for democracy to survive is to regulate these giants, no different than how utilities are regulated. Monopolies kill free enterprise. Social media monopolies are killing free speech, damaging the electoral process, and destroying freedom itself.
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