Until the day comes, if ever, in which people do not overpopulate the lands upon which they live - where millions flee environmentally degraded, poverty stricken lands for foreign soils- no effort should be spared to protect lands and waters before everything is destroyed.
The more lands and waters are degraded and destroyed, the more desperate people become. They flee for safer lands. Poverty and environmental degradation contributes to social, political and religious instability.
Protecting the environment is not just about a love for nature. It is essential for human survival.
Land protection does not come cheap. Managing and preserving lands and waters that are protected requires money and effort.
Enormous amounts of lands that should be protected never will be under the existing structures of land and water protection.
Business interests develop at will with little resistance.
Conservationists and their organizations are content with their self serving circles and limited achievements. Saving slivers while everything else is being destroyed must stop being acceptable.
True conservation must stop move away from the ineffective hands in which it has rested. Conservation must become an integral part of the political, religious, social and economic focus going forward.
The money is there to save rain forests, coral reefs, and more. Only the will is lacking. Leaving land protection in the hands of a few nonprofit organizations and in the hands of business interests supported by bought and sold political interests will only lead to more of the same - a few places protected and a whole lot more destroyed.
Trillions of dollars are spent on war and preparing for war. If a small fraction of that money was spent on saving rain forests, rain forests throughout the world would not be disappearing every second.
Enormous amounts of money are spent ensuring wealth continues to concentrate in the hands of a few. The small number of people that control the world's wealth have more than enough money to ensure the rain forests of the Amazon, Congo, Southeast Asia and more are protected. Unfortunately, the more people have, the more they want for themselves. The tax structures that allows wealth to concentrate in the hands of a few, and that keeps it concentrated in the hands of an elitist class, must change.
Religions, too often concerned with their own wealth and seductive promise of future paradises, have done little to nothing to protect this planet. The first and foremost thing that all religions must do is to renounce all religious violence and hate, and stop ignoring or being tolerant of those that do promote hate and violence. Otherwise the cycles of violence will continue, and the environment will continue being destroyed in the process.
Land and water protection must stop being a side show, subordinate to mankind's religious, political and social conflicts. It must become a front and center priority.
Environmental degradation is destroying this planet. It just might beat nuclear war as the final destroyer of human life. These two threats - environmental destruction and nuclear war, must be face head on and defeated. Business as usual has failed.
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