Friday, June 19, 2020

Pandering To Racism, Violence, Bigotry

Concern about lives, black and otherwise, is too often about political, religious or other agendas, both within and outside of the United States. Gangs kill by the thousands. Over 6 million people have been killed in the Congo region alone, with untold numbers of women and girls raped, eliciting little to no outcry. The cry for justice is often selective, parochial and about personal, political and religious objectives. Some lives count, others do not.

Violence, rioting and looting ensures nothing good results, nothing changes for the better, and societies do not become more humane, just places. Regarding police, the focus on bad cops as though that is the norm obscures the need for real police reform that makes policing far more effective and  better.

The mob rules, with far too many people inclined towards group think and capitulation to the mob. Until that changes, real change for the better will be near impossible to achieve.

The two greatest threats to the survival of all people; nuclear weapons and environmental destruction, continue to be pushed to the side.

The media that provides the message is controlled by a few mega corporations. They feed on the sensational and do everything they can to stoke racial division and tension.

Social media corporations also ensure hate, bigotry and violence spreads, as long as the people spreading the hate and violence are the groups they prefer and protect and that the recipients of the hate, bigotry and violence are the groups they could care less about.

Social media corporations are like the Kremlin and religious dictatorships and theocracies. They kill free speech and spread hate.

The enormous concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few, along with corporations that sent their labor jobs overseas, ensure inequity and injustice continues. Few are willing to address this. The less there is hope and opportunity, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion or nation, the more there is instability and despair.

Whites that pander to blacks, unwilling or afraid to speak out or stand up against violence, bigotry and hate when the hate, bigotry and violence comes from nonwhites, fuel racism, violence and destruction. Blacks that make careers fueling racial discord and hate too often are given passes, or are glorified and provided platforms to spread hate and bigotry.

All bigotry, racism and hate must be opposed, no matter where it comes from. Hate is big business and a money maker for far too many. A black hate monger and bigot must be treated with the same contempt as a white hate monger and bigot.

Human beings are human beings, regardless of race, ethnicity or religion.

Meanwhile, every dictator and religious theocratic on the planet laughs when there is trouble in the United States. They get to plunder, murder and loot with impunity, knowing all eyes are off of them.

Hate, bigotry and violence must stop being selectively accepted, ignored, excused, condoned or promoted under the banner of victim hood or anything else.

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