Saturday, June 27, 2020

Violent And Angry Steal The Show In U.S. - Millions Abroad Suffer In Silence

The coronavirus pandemic has overwhelmed already overwhelmed health care systems in many developing countries.

Millions of people no longer working have no safety net to provide food and other basic needs.

Many people in the United States, rather than count their blessings during this time of crisis, prefer staying angry and enraged. They are confident that they live in the worst place on the planet, even though their bellies are full, and they suffer nowhere near what millions of people in developing countries suffer. Or they use their grievances strategically in order to play on guilt and extract concessions.

The violent and angry once again steal the show, while millions of people the world over really in need suffer ignored and in silence. Meanwhile, the environment continues its collapse and  degradation and nuclear weapons proliferate.

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