Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Social Media's Religious Police: Apostacy And Censorship

 Religion requires honest, straightforward conversations, not the Big Brother censorship that social media corporations eagerly provide. Social media corporations shelter certain religions from criticism. They censor those that criticize the religions they protect, a privilege not afforded other religions. Social media, the Big Brother in most everyone's bedroom and living room, do not understand that religious freedom and freedom of speech, which are fundamental human rights, includes the right to criticize, challenge, mock, reject and make fun of religion.

There is a difference between criticizing a religion, and discriminating against the ones that follow the religion. Religious criticism, mocking, and making fun of religion might be distasteful, but it is a basic human right, unlike discriminating against people that follow a religion, which is always wrong. People must be free to reject, challenge and criticize religion and religious beliefs and ideas. At the same time, they must have the freedom to worship and choose the religion of their choice.

Social media corporations get away with regulating religious criticism and selectively enforcing blasphemy and heresy. They are the Chamberlain appeasers of the modern time. Even worse, they do the dirty work for the most brutal regimes and organizations on the planet that harm and kill apostates, blasphemers and those considered infidels. 

Social media corporations have a moral duty, and should be subject to law suits and legal restraints, to not be platforms for hate against the members of any religion. They have failed miserably in this regard. Religious beliefs and ideas, which are not people, must not receive the same restraints.

People that love and believe in freedom must wake up to what religious censorship and religious tyranny means, and what they are doing to this planet. The world is awash in blood from violent religious fanatics and their enablers. The endless mass murders, beheadings, rapes, slavery, mutilations, suicide bombings, all in the name of religion, have no end in sight, and little to stand in its way. Suppression of religious freedom, which includes criticism of religion, only makes matters worse.

For those concerned about global warming, environmental degradation, plastic pollution, chemical and other life destroying poisons and contaminants, and how life as we know it is being destroyed,  environmental struggles that need to be fought are often sidelined by the endless wars that religious intolerance and tyranny demand. We are losing the richness of the planet's biodiversity and ecological wealth to greed, overdevelopment and selfishness, along with the toxic mixture of religion combined with hate and violence. Tragically, responsible stewardship of the planet is rare to nonexistent.

When a religion insists that it is the only right religion, the only right way, and that the other religions are corrupted or wrong, this religious supremacy and certainty that only they hold the truth, invites the very criticism that social media, religious theocracies and others want silenced. 

When a religion insists it brought monotheism into the world, only to have it pointed out that other religions existed that already practiced monotheism, and then the religion responds by insisting the other religions are wrong and corrupted, that religion, which has accused the other religions of being wrong and corrupted, should not be immune from the criticism it does not mind leveling against others. 

When any religion rejects the legitimacy of other religions, why should that religion itself be shielded from criticism? When any religion asserts that only it holds the truth, and all of the other religions are wrong, why should that religion be immune from scrutiny and questioning?

There is too much religious indoctrination and brainwashing in this world. There are too many oppressive religious theocracies. There are far too many violent religious fanatics. There are far too many people full of hate, bigotry and violence, with many believing their religion entitles them to be that way. 

There are far too many children brainwashed to blindly follow religion. There are far too many children brainwashed into believing religious violence is acceptable and required. There are far too many destructive religious beliefs, and far too much silencing of the critics of those beliefs. 

The world needs religious freedom and tolerance to thrive. Tolerance includes criticizing, mocking and rejecting religion without fear of harm and violence. Everyone should have the right to practice the religion of their choice without fear of punishment and discrimination. Everyone should have the right to reject and criticize the religions of their choice without fear of harm. There must be freedom, and there must be tolerance, not only for the followers of a religion, but also for its critics.

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