Friday, November 6, 2020

War And Child Abuse Have Become Preferable To Freedom Of Speech And Religion

 Is it better to fight in the realm of ideas or to fight by violence and war? 

Social media corporations, most western politicians, religious leaders, academics, and many others have made it clear that they prefer war, even though this is not what they overtly say.

In Pakistan and elsewhere, many girls and boys are indoctrinated into believing insulting their prophet or their religion requires the beheadings of those that commit blasphemy. 

Ideas and beliefs should be fought with ideas and beliefs. Instead, social media, many academics, politicians, religious leaders and others would rather arbitrarily suppress freedom of speech and only respond to the inevitable outcome of when violent and hateful ideas and beliefs result in violent behaviors. 

When it comes to religion, the west and all freedom loving people should stand firm that nothing is off the table when it comes to freedom of speech and to freedom of religion. Freedom of religion includes not only the right to practice the religion of one's choice, but also the right to reject religion, criticize religion, mock religion and satire religion. And then, for those that are offended, let the battle be in the realm of ideas and beliefs instead of on actual battlegrounds. 

If violent religious fanatics want to spread their religion by the sword, then decent people should not have their hands tied behind their backs and be told that they cannot question what it is that motivates these violent religious fanatics. Instead, social media and others arbitrarily suppress religious criticism, ensuring religious hate mongers and violent fanatics are protected. 

Millions of children are being indoctrinated to hate, to kill, to be violent, and still the west and east are mostly silent. But not so when it comes to cartoons that are insulting to a religion. Then many in the east and west join hands in outrage. 

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