Saturday, May 1, 2021

Animal Rescue Must Not Benefit Animal Cruelty

 When a cop that saw widespread dog fighting and animal cruelty did his best to get police to respond appropriately, for animal organizations to stop exploiting these crimes for their own gain, and for the people that commit these crimes to be brought to justice, all he received was animosity and scorn. 

To this day, dog fighters have greater chances of getting struck by lightning than ever getting arrested for dog fighting. Animal cruelty, an incredibly common, widespread crime, is rarely enforced.  Instead, there are ineffective animal organizations and token police teams conducting often ineffective, and at times harmful investigations. They act as the incredibly deficient substitute for what anyone in law enforcement should be doing when encountering animal cruelty and dog fighting. A widespread, appropriate police response to animal cruelty and dog fighting continues to be lacking.

Animal rescue, adopting a dog from an animal shelter, is on par to far too many with rescuing an animal from a true situation of abuse. Animal rescue has trivialized animal cruelty by equating the two. Trivializing animal cruelty, along with ignoring or exploiting real animal cruelty, benefits dog fighters and animal abusers by contributing to the continued lack of an appropriate, widespread police response to these crimes. 

Animal rescue must stop deterring people from addressing real animal cruelty. 

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