Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Retired While Still Employed: Police Reform

The purpose of police is serve and protect, not welfare. Unless a cop is disabled, everyone, with some other exceptions, from the lowest rank to the highest, belongs on the streets working. Policing should not be a lazy persons' profession. Unfortunately, countless millions of dollars are wasted on politically connected hacks, anointed favorites and others, with numerous off the streets cushy jobs and do nothing jobs. Policing is not unique among government jobs regarding laziness and do little to nothing positions. Taxpayers need to start paying attention to where their money goes. It should not be subsiding pampered officials, laziness, cronyism and other nonsense.

The amount of waste and inefficiency is staggering. Policing can be much better than what it is, which is not about to occur. The calls for police reform are clueless about what needs to be reformed and instead are about self serving, divisive agendas. 

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