Thursday, November 24, 2022

Black Is Not A Religion, Jew Is Not A Race

There are those that seek conflict between blacks and Jews, including a well known person that has made a career out of targeting, blaming and scapegoating Jews. This well known person wants blacks to be at the throats of Jews. 

There are only a few races in the world. Black people, including black people that live in the United States, are not of one religion. Black is a race, not a religion. There is enormous diversity in the cultures and religions of black people across the globe. 

Jew is not a race. Jews are a small minority population consisting of people of all races, including black, white and Asian. The majority Jewish population in Israel are of middle east and North African descent, and are brown skinned. Most black Jews are Ethiopian or are of Ethiopian descent. Smaller numbers of nonwhite Jews can be found in other countries in Africa, India, and elsewhere. The majority of Jews within the United States are white, but not all. 

Demonizing Jews is a perversion and sickness that persists to this day. The Jew hater out of their own weakness and deficiency, needs the Jew to scapegoat, demonize, target and blame. To the disgrace of the human race, Jew haters and racists are many, and many are, unfortunately, and to the detriment of all, the people that may not hate Jews or those of other races, but will not stand up against those that do. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Ye, Jews, Bigotry, Gangster Music

 There has been a lot of responses to Ye's remarks about Jews. For many Jew haters, it is another opportunity to validate their bigotry, including by some in academia. Colleges and universities across the United States are filled with incompetent, pampered, hate filled ideologues. Too often hatred, bigotry and racism is accepted or excused as long as it comes from nonwhites. 

The Jew is often the preferred scapegoat to blame for whatever is wrong in the world. The Jew is the world's oldest scapegoat. Humankind has learned nothing from history. Not about hatred, bigotry, scapegoating, and where hate and demonizing leads. 

Scapegoating and hatred frees people from individual responsibility. Weak people especially need this. Having a target to hate and blame also makes it easier for rotten people and rotten leaders to control people, and for them to gain money and power.

When a Jew hater or anti-Semite declares how Jews think or act, it is as idiotic as stating all people think and act alike. 

Every Jew, like every human being, is a separate person. There is enormous diversity among Jews, in the way they practice or do not practice religion, in their beliefs, in their politics, in their race and skin color, in their professions, in their interests and so forth. There are black Jews, Indian Jews, Asian Jews, white Jews, Latino Jews, North African Jews, Yemenite Jews, Ethiopian Jews, Iranian Jews, Iraqi Jews, Israeli Jews, Libyan Jews, and so on. Jew is not a race. Demented Jew haters are incapable of seeing Jews as human beings. There are good Jews and there are bad Jews, just as there are good and bad whites, blacks, Latinos, Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus and so forth. But for the Jew haters, all Jews are seen through a narrow lens of hate.

If a Jew is in the music industry, and promotes music that is harmful to young people, that is a reflection on that individual. It does not reflect on the great majority of other Jews that have nothing to do with such things. There are countless Jews the world over that do their best to help others regardless of race, economic status, ethnicity and religions, and that strive as best they can to make this world a better place. But the Jew hater ignores all of that and looks for a bad apple to serve as the example for how all Jews are. 

Many Jews work as teachers, as health care professionals, in science, as engineers, as small business owners, and in many other professions where they are doing their best to help improve humanity. There will be no acknowledgment of this from the many Jew haters. They only want to see a demonized Jew.

Regarding Adidas; the history of Adidas and their founders, and their connection to Hitler, Nazis and the Nazi war machine is public information. This company especially should be at the forefront in the fight against all bigotry and racism. 

For the many non Jews that have profited from gangster music and culture, no one put a gun to their head and told them to make such harmful choices. But for the Jew hater, there is no free will.  There is no personal responsibility. There is only the Jew to blame, including for the bad choices and destructive conduct of non Jews.  

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

What A Jew Did In A Low Income Non-Jewish Black Community

 There are plenty of Jews in this world that are decent, hardworking people. But to the racist, bigoted Jew hater, regardless of their race or religion or the race of the Jew, the Jew can only be seen as demonic. 

There is a retired Jewish public school teacher whose only ambition was to teach in inner city schools with populations most in need. He taught in a school in one of the most crime ridden, poverty stricken communities in Chicago and United States. It was an area that included what was then the largest public housing project in the United States. 

After his day teaching in a public school, he ran an after school reading and math program funded primarily from his school teacher salary. He rented space to run the program. He provided the children and teenagers that attended the after school program with the learning materials they needed. It was a reading and math program; a ramp to lead children and youth out of poverty and into a better life. 

He ran this program for years. His brother was a cop that walked a beat in the same area. Serving communities as public servants are strong values these brothers hold. Judaism places great value on service to others, regardless of religion, ethnicity or race. 

The brothers are retired. It would be of great benefit to the world for the school teacher to be recognized and properly funded so that he can start again the Ramp, reading and math program, all over the United States and elsewhere in impoverished communities. 

Instead, he remains in obscurity.