Thursday, November 24, 2022

Black Is Not A Religion, Jew Is Not A Race

There are those that seek conflict between blacks and Jews, including a well known person that has made a career out of targeting, blaming and scapegoating Jews. This well known person wants blacks to be at the throats of Jews. 

There are only a few races in the world. Black people, including black people that live in the United States, are not of one religion. Black is a race, not a religion. There is enormous diversity in the cultures and religions of black people across the globe. 

Jew is not a race. Jews are a small minority population consisting of people of all races, including black, white and Asian. The majority Jewish population in Israel are of middle east and North African descent, and are brown skinned. Most black Jews are Ethiopian or are of Ethiopian descent. Smaller numbers of nonwhite Jews can be found in other countries in Africa, India, and elsewhere. The majority of Jews within the United States are white, but not all. 

Demonizing Jews is a perversion and sickness that persists to this day. The Jew hater out of their own weakness and deficiency, needs the Jew to scapegoat, demonize, target and blame. To the disgrace of the human race, Jew haters and racists are many, and many are, unfortunately, and to the detriment of all, the people that may not hate Jews or those of other races, but will not stand up against those that do. 

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